movie night bet

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Today is another one of those days where you and Eddie don't know what to do. So you both decided to watch a horror movie together.
Luckily Eddie has a movie at home that he rented a short time ago.
You are standing in the kitchen when you open a bag of chips and put them in a bowl. From the living room you hear Eddie complaining about the TV because it doesn't turn on instantly.

,,You fucking TV. Turn on!"
"Babe, instead of complaining, maybe you should try a little sweetness."

You walk up to him and take the remote control out of his hand. To show Eddie that a little love helps, you give the remote an air kiss.

,,Please don't embarrass me," you whisper as you press the on button.
Fortunately for you, it works immediately.

You joyfully throw your arms in the air and turn to Eddie. ,,Yeah Y/N, I should use some more love in the future."

Eddie moves up from the couch. "Did you put the chips in the bowl yet?"

"Yes I have. I just need to get them quickly and then we can start."

You put the bowl on a small table in front of you and drop back on the couch. Eddie starts the movie, leans back and puts his arm around your shoulder.

You are startled for the first time at the scene when the killer suddenly stands behind the front door. Eddie notices this immediately and pulls you closer to him. You are now cuddled against his chest and Eddie's arm is around your waist.
,,You don't have to be afraid. I'm here," he says and strokes your side reassuringly. ,,I know for a fact that you will be scared later on."
"Want to bet that I won't be scared?" ,,Of course. I'm going to win anyway." "What do you want to bet?"

"Let's do it this way, if I win you have to help me prepare for the next D&D game. And if you win..." "You have to teach me a song on your guitar. You know, I've always wanted to be able to play something on it."
you finish Eddie's sentence. ,,Okay, then get ready to become my slave."

Of course, now you pay extra attention to whether Eddie gets scared. And Eddie as well. Because during the whole rest of the movie he doesn't get scared once. In contrast to you, who almost every ten minutes starts to run together.

,,So Y/N, princess, you are my slave from tomorrow. We both have a lot to do," Eddie says, standing up and doing a little dance of joy in front of you. 

You have to laugh. ,,All right. I'll be here early. So don't sleep too long," you say and kiss Eddie goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow." You turn around and are about to leave when you are pulled back by your wrist. Eddie cups your face with his hands and gives you a passionate kiss on the lips.

,,See you tomorrow Y/N." he breathes while looking deep into your eyes. 

You turn around for good this time and walk the short distance to your home. Actually you don't mind losing this bet. This way you can spend a little more time with Eddie. And you can learn to play the guitar, too, because Eddie can't beat any wishes out of your hand anyway. You just have to ask him

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