Max the merd (nerd)

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My mom wanted me to do this... a diary for all of my little thoughts and quotes. I think its a good idea!!! I was so game and then she gave me a Diary saying: I am not a robot. I know!! funny right?

So now I am super excited to fill this crap up with all of my tech and thoughts sooo yeah!

First day with the diary and I brought it to school! I know I know someone who is a bully might take it and show the whole school and I will be a fool and crap... but I think Diaries are really cool!

Soooo yeah.

Anyways, first class was English!! and Sabrina was sitting right in front of me so I could smell her hair. her hair smells really good! And by the way yes I have a crush on her. 

Who cares! I like nerds part of that is because I am a bit of a nerd myself. The funny thing is I don't think anyone knows I am a nerd!!! That's really funny I think.  I am going to keep this to myself though....

Eventually when I am the best in the school I plan on telling everyone that I am actually kind of a nerd!!!!!!!! My mom says being a nerd is good! even if people don't like you and they think you are trying too hard. 

The day is over. I didn't want to write in my diary during school because that would be violation code 53 in the school rules. I haven't ever broken a school rule, got at least an 95 in every assignment and I have a perfect attendance record. 

My mom says that nerds are good becasue they are smart and like to learn!!! I totally agree!

Sabrina is so beautiful!! I always have dreams when she comes up to me and hugs me and she is so warm!! I sometimes wish I looked better... but my mom said that if I want to be a nerd I have to dress weird so.... yeah! 

I really love Sabrina but once Chloe the annoying gardening tool came up to me and said that Sabrina hates me. She said that I was way out of her league... whatever that means. I think it means that she was trying to help me by saying that I could get there eventually! 

I think (but mostly hope) that Chloe was just trying to ruin my day like she does to everyone 25 hours every day. 

Of course, I don't say that out loud... Sabrina could get super mad because Chloe is her 'best friend' and would ruin the small chance of me getting with her. 

Speaking of which, Chloe is using Sabrina as her servant and Sabrina doesn't even know it! 

I don't want to tell her though, she will hate me even more! 

What am I saying... I don't think she hates me. I think she secretly has a crush on me! One time when I was looking at her, she caught me staring and said, "ugh." I know what you are thinking, thats not good right!!

But my mom said once that if they have a crush on me, they might pretend to hate you to be cool! 

Anyway, I think that Sabrina should stop Helping that brat, Chloe.

Although she is gorgeous, she is also very gullible.

Like, VERY VERY gullible...

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