Excitement, Kindness and Dread

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Stiles stood in the fireplace, Floo powder in his hand and a small piece of paper with Scotts address with it on the other. He was scared of saying the wrong thing so he thought having Scotts address with him would make him feel better.

His parents assured him they would be there soon. Stiles read out Scott's address and throw the Floo powder down and the heat of green fire encased him.

It felt like he was on a roller coaster yet standing still at the same time, he couldn't see anything apart from the green flames until a invisible force pushed him forward and he stumbled and fell on to the floor that had now changed to a wooden floorboard.

He coughed as some of the ash as he stood up.

Stiles didn't even have time to look around at his surroundings when he was attacked with a hug as soon as he stood up.

"Stiles!" Scott said happily, for a moment it felt like he was being squeezed to death before he was released.

"Scott"Stiles said, chuckling, some more excitement building in his chest. He couldn't believe this was happening! He was actually going to a quidditch match with his friends, last year he hardly went out of the house and he had no friends, no one to talk too.

And now?

Everyone just felt amazing!

He glanced around to have a look at the living room and smiled, the living room was a lot bigger than his own and it had lots of odd strange looking objects around Stiles couldn't identify.

"My mum likes collecting anything that she thinks look fun and odd" Scott said, looking a little sheepish.

Speaking of his Mum, an older women came into the room, the first thing Stiles noticed was her warm smile and kind eyes.

"You must be Stiles" She said kindly.

She opened a bag she was carrying, inside a bunch of snacks and some scarfs and gloves "You boys might need something extra to keep you going"

Stiles felt himself redden a little unused to adults being so open, usually they were distrusting due to his parents, he wondered perhaps Scott hadn't told her about his parents?

Scott however looked embarrassed as he said "That's enough Mum, you've already given me loads"

Sure enough Stiles realised that Scot's own bag got completely full.

Well if you're not going to accept extra food, I will Stiles thought.

"I still have some room in my bag miss..." Stiles trailed of, realising he didn't know her name.

"You can just call me Melissa, no need to be so formal" Melissa said and looking happy that Stiles had accepted.

He opened his bag for her as she put the extra treats inside, mainly lots of sweets.

"Ah, now I think about it, I think I have some more in the back I forgot to give you both" Melissa said with a grin as she walked out of the living room.

As soon as she walked out however Scott told Stiles quickly "We should just go! She's not going to let us leave other wise, she's been forcing on my extra stuff since I woke up! My arms already ache from everything she shoved in my bag! She also will try and convince you to take our extra fruit and veg!"

"You serious?" Stiles chuckled.

"Let's just go, your parents will know where we are right?" Scott pleaded.

"Sure" Stiles said, not being able to turn down those puppy dog eyes.

It was time to pick up Isaac.

Stiles was surprised to see how much Isaac's living room different.

They had both tumbled out of the fire place on to Isaac's carpet. Stiles saw Isaac as a fun, incredibly chatty guy and so when he thought of Isaac's house he thought of bright colours and quirky things dotted about, instead the colours were dull and saturated. 

Stains were spread the carpet and a nasty smell seemed to drift around them.

Stiles was about to ask Scott of they'd come to the right house when the door opened and a hurried Isaac came through.

He seemed seemed happy but also anxious to see them.

"Hi! I thought you might not come" Isaac said with a small smile, not even saying anything else he stepped into the big fire place with them.

His smile seemed strained as well.

"You ready?" Scott asked surprised at how hurried Isaac was. Stiles assumed that Scott also thought they were going to greet Issac's parents first but it seemed not.

"Yeah, just go! Quickly" Isaac said.

Scott followed his friends pleads and read out the meeting point, grabbing some more Floo Powder, they all did the same.

Isaac tensed a little as the green flames surrounded them and Stiles thought he heard a angry voice in the distance yell Issac's name but Stiles thought he must be imagining it.

They arrived in an old house that was close to where they had agreed to go to the Quidditch tournament from there.

Stiles had expected Isaac to be shocked about the Floo powder and to chatter away about it. Isaac was muggle so he wouldn't have experienced Floo powder before. Stiles parents had managed to connect Isaac's fire place to the Floo network that managed all the fire places that were using Floo Powder.

Instead however Isaac just looked relieved once they had arrived at their destination.

Scott and Stiles became distracted looking around at their surroundings, no one saw Isaac wince  and making sure to pull his long sleeves down more to hide the bruises...

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