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He looked a little older than them but not by much and he didn't feel older by how nervous and shy he seemed to be.

Nothing like the werewolves that had attacked them, Stiles just didn't understand why people thought he was anything like them, it was the same with how loads of people seemed to judge him and Scorpios for their parents.

"Are you in our year?" Scorpios asked but Terry like Stiles had expected, shook his head "No, you're both second years aren't you? I'm a third year"

They lapsed into silence unsure what else to say but it wasn't an awkward silence, it felt quite nice. Stiles was just about to ask about the rest of the werewolves when Terry suddenly blurted out without any warning "I'm sorry about the werewolves attacks, and the other supernatural problems. I-I don't agree with them, I don't"

For some odd reason Stiles thought he heard some pain in Terry's voice and he seemed to flinch a little when he said it.

Stiles, blinked, surprised at Terry's outburst but he didn't find it strange, instead he felt sympathy for him.

He must be really suffering because of this Stiles thought to himself.

"Yeah, I think most people don't" Stiles replied with a sympathetic smile.

Scorpious could see Stiles would soon struggle with finding something else to talk about and it sounded like the other slytherins were distracted enough that they wouldn't cause any trouble.

He also didn't want things to get awakened between them so he said "We'd better unpack"

Stiles agreed and waved goodbye to Terry as they headed inside more, to the rest of the dorms.

They didn't look back and they probably should have, because if they had, they both would have seen a guilty expression appear on Terry's face as he cursed under his breath.

His hand going to his head, like he had some sort of headache.

Stiles jumped on the bed a strange looking skeleton light.

"This is mine" He said with a grin.

It looked bigger than some of the other beds.

Scorpious just chuckled at that and chose an empty bed, closest to Stiles.

It felt so much better, doing this with someone else. He remembered with his first year that he'd felt so lonely as he picked his bed and felt the other slytherins just glaring at him and sneering at him.

He was pretty sure that someone had thrown his suitcase all over the floor as well.

Now no one else seemed to bother them, maybe because they were together? So Stiles used some magic too unpack his suitcase, a nifty little spell his parents had taught him.

It took take a few practices though and he did accidentally throw some of his underwear at Scorpious face once.

"Hey!" He yelped.

"Sorry!" Stiles chuckled, not really that sorry.

"You did that on purpose" Scorpious accused him playfully.

Stiles stuck out his tongue at him, sure it had been on accident but whatever, this was fun.

His friend then started to throw his own clothes at him in response and Stiles giggled as he yelled "Clothes fight!"

Soon their clothes were all over their beds and the floor as they laughed at each other.

Stiles couldn't stop smiling.

It was definitely a good distraction.

Stiles fell on his bed finally tired and he waved his own mess away as he said "I'll deal with it later"

Scorpious agreed with that and he then opened his bag up, pulling out his schedule "Hey, do we have classes together?"

"Mmmm, not sure" Stiles said, pulling out his schedule.

He also hoped he'd have plenty of classes with the other houses so he could see his other friends a lot more, rather than just during lunch and their breaks.

As he looked through his schedule, with Scorpious looking over his shoulder and comparing his own, it looked like what he hoped for it come true.

"Ugh, looks like we both have a lot of potions classes" Scorpious sighed.

"I thought you liked potions?" Stiles asked him but Scorpios grumbled "Only when we have cover, Mr Slughorn is just..." He trails off unsure how to say it.

"Talks about Harry Potter way too much and compares you to your parents too much as well?" Stiles supplied and Scorpious nods quickly "Yeah, that!"

Stiles supposed he did understand Mr Slughorn a bit more now, how Harry Potter had saved him, Scott and Derek during the stadium had made him think that he was a lot cooler and braver than he thought.

That the stories surrounding him, might not be as unbelievable as he had first thought.

But at the same time Mr Slughorn constantly talking about him was still pretty annoying.

Also if he knew your parents he'd just make assumptions about you because of them.

Stiles still remembered how Mr Slughorn had treated him last year, not fun.

They both agreed that they weren't looking forward to being taught by Mr Slughorn before they decided that it was time to go to bed.

They'd sort out their mess tomorrow.

Stiles did take a while finding his pyjamas though since he realised he'd thrown them somewhere.

He felt super tired when he was finally ready for bed.

Scorpious was already asleep.

He was so tired that he decided when he saw a creepy familiar mirror, standing at the bottom of his bed, that he must be dreaming.

Nothing would spoil his first day back at Hogwarts.

And if he had to ignore that creepy mirror and the creepy sorting hat song...

So be it.

Dark Spiral Series: Wolves In Our Mists (Teen Wolf/Harry Potter) Where stories live. Discover now