The Lost One

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     He poured both glasses of whisky like he always did every time they meet

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     He poured both glasses of whisky like he always did every time they meet. He sat in the muddy grass, not caring if his pants got dirty. He took his recently filled drink and clinked it with his best friend's glass.

"Bottoms up." He depressingly said before downing the bitter drink in one go.

"You know what?" He poured another glass for himself.

"I hate it here."

His face changed into one of annoyance.

"Don't you give me that look! I can feel that damn stare of yours. I know what you are trying to do, and it ain't gonna work, so stop it. I want to vent right now. I want you to listen to me and give me some good, damn advice like you always do." his aggravation grew with every word.

"I keep losing people, one after the other. Hell! I have been to more funerals than birthday parties this year alone! I am lost. I am a failure. I can't do anything right. I can't even process my feeling. I mean, how pathetic right?"

     By the end of his rant, the man's voice was cracking as he broke into a wheezing fit. His glossy eyes were fighting against the tears that desperately wanted to run down his cheeks. He looked at the black rose bouquet he bought for his oldest friend and lover.

"I am sorry. I know, I am an embarrassment. Why do you love me? Like, for real, why? I am disgusting, disorganized, and full of problems. Out of every successful guy you met. Why the fuck did you choose the loser?"

     The young man shifted his gaze to the wet grass between his feet. He downed the second glass and looked back at the flowers.

"Did I make you happy? Was I enough?" His hopeful gaze remained fixed on the flowers.

The depressing male gave out a dry laugh.

"Who the fuck am I kidding?" He poured a third glass.

     As he allowed his head to fall against the rock behind him, he took a long look at the night sky. A sigh left his lips.

"I know what you are going to say."

'Stop being such a downer and start saying some good shit about yourself.'

"Well, I can't find anything good about myself."

'Get a better mirror.'

"The mirror ain't the problem, sweetcheeks. I am." He drank the third glass.

"You know what the worse part is?"

           The slightly drunk man scooched a little closer as if telling a secret.

" I lost you."

     With great difficulty, he got up from the dirty ground. With the help of his late wife's gravestone, he steadied himself.

"What was that phrase again? The one from the guy with Raven hair. You loved that fool. The one about when you lose someone. How not even every candle or prayer is going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left in your life is a hole. A hole where that someone you cared so deeply about used to be. And a rock. With a birthday carved into it."

          He kissed his fingertips and placed them in his wife's grave.

"Always thought he was an ass. Well, I will be damned. Damon Salvator was right."

       He began the walk back home, alone, as he has been for the past couple of months.

"I love you. Always and forever."



Just so you all know I am Team Mikaelson all the way! What about you? (And NO FIGHTING!!)

~ Mischief_Managed04 <3

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