Chapter 4: Azalea Island

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The gunner had disappeared after I had been shot. The shot went clean through. Luckily, it missed a main blood artery. If it hadn't, game over assumably for me. While the gunner disappeared, so had Oliver, not to my surprise. Somehow, Howles had overpowered Brian. Brian was left with a bruise laid across his chin from the coward sucker-punching him. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Howles. I literally couldn't protesting that I should go look for Oliver even in my immobile state. I know it sounds wrong, but some part of me wished Leah had caught the bullet instead. Only for the sake of me being able to go after that bastard and hack him into itty-bitty pieces, feed to my dog and- Yeah, I'll stop there.

"Does it hurt?" Brian asked me, kneeling in front of me. I simply rolled my eyes. Idiot.

"Uh, yeah. I kind of got shot there, genius." He asked stupid questions. I diverted my attention from him, wishing Leah would hurry up. It was annoying being alone with him. He gave off a weird vibe I was uncomfortable around. It made it hard to breathe. Leah was collecting stuff Brian instructed her to get from the forest. This type of flower or something? It was for my wound. I admittedly wasn't listening. At all.

"Why do you always do that?" He spoke quietly. We sat on the sand, near the edge of the water at the beach. He had his legs crossed in front of me.

"Do what?" I snapped like he just kicked my puppy. More stupid questions.

"Put up a defensive wall whenever someone talks to you." He replied, his gaze meeting mine. Ugh.

"That's not true. And if it is, does it really matter?" I huffed, gripping the sand. Great. He kind of just stared at me. In a weird way, like he was confused. I couldn't tolerate anymore of him. I simply laid down on the sanded beach, my hair attracting the sun. I hated the sun. My hair was black- Raven. Same color as Brian's. Misaki told us that we looked a lot alike, except I had blue eyes. My hair was long. Like, really long. I hated it. If it were up to me, I'd cut it like Cody. Cody was a ginger with short, amazing hair. He was the only guy, no, person I actually could tolerate. My hair reached my waist. Usually I had it up, if it was even possible.

Before Brian could speak, Leah came jogging down the beach. Thank the lord almighty. I folded my arms over my face, inhaling deeply. I could almost smell the beach water. For a second, I wondered if you could sleep in the virtual world. I felt really tired. Drained. I wondered how much time has passed in the real world. In the game, it was about two and a half hours spent on the island. And soon, I had fallen asleep. I assumed they'd treat my wound when I was asleep.

It wasn't more than an hour I got in of sleep before a loud pitch erupted. It was like when a microphone made that ear covering whining noise. Exactly like that, actually. It startled me when I awoke. I found Mya by my side, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you-?"
"I'm fine." I interrupted her. The sound stopped. It seemed to be coming from the sky. Suddenly a voice spoke out, a male's. I felt the pain in my leg die down.

"It appears you've all been stuck in this game. Don't worry, we'll find a way to get you out. However, we can not simply removed the wires from your bodies. It would destroy your consciences and place you all in comas. Until we have discovered a way, you have to work together to stay alive. And no matter what, under any circumstance, harm another player. If you reach game over, it's game over in the real world too, my darlings. That is all, and I bid you goodluck."

The voice went out. It was silent. I looked to Brian who sat by the water alone. I was further up on the sand. Where the hell are we? I'd never seen this map before. The voice screeched and interupted again from the sky. He spoke quickly.

"And by the way, your on Azalea Island. That is all."

"Azalea Island." I whispered, raising my brows. At least I can stop calling it 'The-dumb-island-that-I-blame-Oliver-for-that-we're-on-because-he's-an-idiot.

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