Chapter 9: Through the Woods

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It was awkward. You know when your half asleep and walk into the wrong class in highschool? Then you kind of just stand there and everyone thinks your an idiot? That times a million. We walked through the forest, silently. It was hard to keep up with his pace, but I stubbornly pushed myself to keep up. I refuse to submissive to the underling. I was the leader and I had the duty to act like it. We were almost to the bottom. I could feel it. Tori was in my front pocket again. Usually she'd make little noises, but she was silent. It made me even more nervous. The half-an-hour walk felt like five. He finally stopped, looking to me. It took me a moment to realize he'd stopped. I was focusing so hard. I adverted my attention to him, swallowing a gulp of air. I resisted the urge to look away. My vision glanced to Tori.

"What?" I questioned towards Brian, yet refusing to look at him. Instead, I removed Tori from my pocket.

"Your leg." He spoke simply.

After around two or three minutes of me arguing with him about my leg, he threw me over his shoulder. He walked through the forest like that. I felt like screaming. He was so damn frustrating. My fists pounded against his back.
"I'm not a kid!" I shouted, my face flushing red.

"You sure act like one." He chuckled. After awhile of pleading he stopped, setting me down on the ground. My face was red from being upside down, alongside embarrassment.

"You can't fight Oliver in this condition. Plus, I don't want you holding me back." He grin. That little brat.
I narrowed my vision, raising my brows.

"Excuse.. Me?" I raised a brow, readying to claw his eyes out at this point. But before I could lecture him, he set off further in the woods to a point where I couldn't see him. How dare he. If anyway, he was holding me back! Pft, I didn't need him anyway. I assumed he went off to get stuff for my leg. Screw him. I pushed myself up weakly to stand, closing my eyes tightly in the midst of pain. I sat back down with a thud. Ow, my butt. It was like my leg had a brain of it's own. Or maybe it was the one in my head telling me to sit down and behave. Tori hopped out of my pocket and gave me this odd look. I folded my arms. "Got something to say?" I raised an eyebrow once more, folding my arms together. She quickly hopped to beside me. "That's what I thought." I muttered. Soon Brian returned, put the stuff on it and wrapped bandage around it. Apparently Him, Leah and Mya found a care package in the forest. Usually there was a couple in the game. Explained where Kiwi got the gun. I was about to get mad at him for not telling me, but I guess he didn't exactly have any time between me hiding from them in the cabin, coming face-to-face with me in the forest and screaming at him, uh- other stuff and me ignoring him. I exhaled softly. He wrapped it around my leg in a way so delicate, it irritated me. I scoffed, looking to the side. He yanked on the bandage and I yelped. "Ow." I growled, cocking my head back towards him. My facial expression was stern, but once I saw him grin(like an idiot), I bit my lowerlip. I gripped the log. It was hard to be mad at him at the moment. Once he was done, he offered to carry me. I refused, but he wouldn't take no for anthe answer. Persistent. He gave my a piggyback. I was honestly a bit glad. Tori sat, perched on his shoulder. My arms were around his neck. We were so close to outside of the forest. It would of been so easy to strangle him like this. I rested my head on his shoulder tiredly. The time went quickly. Finally. Finally we were out of that damned forest. He asked if I wanted down, but I refused. I needed to save my energy for combat. We were on the beach sand, but not the sandstone. He headed to the left and we started off again. Soon enough we hit ugly, cracked sandy one. Everything was lifeless like the desert. It was heard to believe that half of Azalea island was so beautiful while he other was nothing. It was like comparing the forest-y part to modern day. After reaching the other side of the Mountain, Brian set me down. I wobbled at first, but my leg felt a lot better. I double-checked my pocket for the knife. It was there. Tori stood on Brian's shoulder. She liked him. Still, a lot like Leah. I wondered where her and Mya were and how they were doing. Now we'd just just have to follow the large wall of stone mountain until reaching the Cave. It was a long walk for a small cave. Regardless, it was worth it. Considering the benefits.

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