~Chapter 1~

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It was a Friday afternoon. Both Finney and Gwen just came back from school when Perla arrived at the Blake household. She ran up to the door and knocked on it 3 times. The three of them had made up a secret knock for each other.

{Finney POV}
Me and Gwen just got back from school and now I'm preparing for Robin to come over so I can help him with math. God knows what he is doing during math class. I just came downstairs when I heard a knock at the door. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember where it was from. I walked to the door and I was shocked to see Perla here. It's been over a year since the last time I saw her.

"Perla?!?" ~ Finney

"Hey Finney man!!!" ~ Perla

"Hey Finney, who's at the door-" ~Gwen "PERLA!!"

"Hey Gweny!" ~Perla


"My parents had a business trip to go to, so I asked if I could come here because I haven't seen u dorks in forever." ~Perla

"Wow, I just still can't believe you're here!!" ~Finney

"Same." ~Gwen

{Perla POV}
God I am so glad to see them, they are like my siblings. After we all talked, Gwen took me up to her room where we could both sleep. God I really missed being here.

"You can change in my bathroom. You probably are really tired from being in that long plane ride." ~Gwen

"Yea, I am really tired. Also very hungry" ~ Perla

"Okay, after you take a shower we can make somthing." ~Gwen

"Yeah. Imma go and take a quick shower and be right back." ~Perla

"Okay, see ya in a bit!"~gwen

And with that, I left to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower.

{Time skip 32 minutes later}

After I got out of the shower I went back into Gwen's room because I forgot my clothes.

After choosing what outfit I wanted to wear, I chose some black booty shorts and a black tank top.

After choosing what outfit I wanted to wear, I chose some black booty shorts and a black tank top

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{Your outfit}

I didn't realize how short the shorts were until I actually put them on. But it doesn't matter because no one is coming over anyways. Right?

After I put on some cocoanut lotion on, I went downstairs.

In my way to the stairs the doorbell rang.
So I rushed to open it.

{Robin's POV}
I asked Finney if I could go over to his im house so he can help me with math. Tbh I sick ass at math. But hey, there ain't to shame on my math game. Right?

I went to the door and rang the doorbell.

When the door opened there was this 5'1 looking girl with long brown hair and the shortest shorts on.

'Who tf is this' I thought.

"Who the fuck are you?" She said

"I'm Robin, Finney's friend, who are you?" I asked

"None of your damn business" she replied

'Well damn.' I thought


Finney came downstairs and came to the door.

"Hey Robin! You got all your stuff?" ~Finney

"Yeah" I replied

"We'll come on in!" ~Finney said as he and the girl moved aside.

She looked at me then went to the kitchen where Gwen was.

I turn to Finney and ask

"Who is that?"

"Oh, that's just my cousin Perla." ~Finney said

"Oh, I thought she was like your girlfriend or something." I said

"Um, cool. Hurry and get your stuff out so we can start." ~Finney said

"Alright." I replied

{Perla POV}
I walk away thinking nothing of it and walk to Gwen so we can start cooking because I'm hungry as a bitch.

{Time skip 20 ish minutes later}

Gwen and I just finished making spaghetti and tbh. This shit was good as hell.

After I gobbled up my plate, I went to go and wash it.

Me and Gwen were heading upstairs to go and color and look at magazines while listening to music sunce it a Friday.

On our way upstairs I here Robin say " damn". I already knew he was stating at my ass. I just looked at him and smirked.

He dot up and told Finney " um, I have to go to the bathroom to take care of something..." kinda standing weird. I just shrugged and kept walking upstairs.

Hey guys! I hope u guys enjoyed the first chapter. I honestly felt like I did a pretty good job. Tell and tell me if it was good or not and if u guys want, I'll make a 2nd chapter!! Ily guys!! Bye!!❤️❤️❤️

770 words

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