Chapter 8

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I woke up and started getting ready for school. Robin usually calls me every morning to tell me where to meet him up, but today he didn't call. He calls around 7:00. And he knows I wake up at 6:50... so I don't know why he didn't call. It was already 7:32, and he didn't call me...

Maybe he slept in?

I had to get going because I always meet up with Finn and Gwen at 7:35. So I just started walking.

As I was walking I saw some women walking up to a fence and put up a poster.

And as I was walking past it, I saw that it was a new missing kid poster...

I saw the picture and name...

It's Robin...

When I saw that, I wanted to break down. But that's when I stared feeling tears at the brim of my eyes. I ripped off the poster and shoved it into my backpack and ran all the way to school.

{time skip at school}

Once I got there I was already crying and my mascara was probably smeared all over my face. But I didn't give a fuck what people were gonna say about how I looked, I only cared about telling Finn and Gwen.

It was 7:47 and I saw them waiting on the side of school looking around. That's when I stopped running and was starting to cry even more.

"Hey Perla! What happened?!" Gwen

"L- look w- what I- I- I found on t-the f-fence ..." I said gasping for air while sobbing

"Oh my god..." Gwen

"Lemme see that- oh no..." Finn

"And I told him if he was going to be okay yesterday because he was walking home by himself and I didn't feel comfortable with him walking alone but I should have walked home with him because then none of this would have never happened..." I said all I'm one word trying to keep myself calm

"Hey hey hey. It okay! Just relax and what happened?" Gwen

"Well, we were walking to my house when we saw this black van pass us, but then we were at my house and said bye but I sm didn't want to leave him by himself because I wasn't sure if him walking around alone and I guess I jinxed it because now he's missing."I said crying even more

"It's okay Perl, we'll go looking for him after school, and do it all over again tomorrow, I'm sure we'll find him." Finn

"Okay..." I said sniffling

{time skip during classes}

The whole time all could think about was Robin and if he was okay. My eyes were all red and swollen. Every class I went to all the teachers asked me if I was okay, of course I had to say yes so they wouldn't say anything else. I was thinking of him, nothing else. I couldn't even eat my lunch, and they had nachos, and I love them. I was thinking back in everything that day on when he left. I wanted to kill myself. I blamed only myself because I didn't walk with him. Maybe just maybe if he didn't go by himself, he would be here with us, talking about how much he loves scary movies, and what he's doing on the weekends. But no, because it was all my fucking fault.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the last bell rang and I rushed out to go find Finney and Gwen.

I saw them waiting by Finney's locker.

"Hey Perls... you ready?" Gwen

"...yeah" I said starting to tear up again

We went to all the neighborhoods we could, looking and yelling for him.

{time skip 3 hours later}

It had been three hours and we were starting to get tired.

"Perla, me and Gwen are gonna start heading home, we'll do this tomorrow." Finn

"Alright, I'm gonna try to keep looking for another hour, see you guys..." perla

We were in the neighborhood anyways.

"Are you sure?" Gwen

"Yes, and if u get taken, at least I'll know I found Robin..." Perla

"Okay. Be safe." Finney

They had left and I continued to walk around and shouting robins name.

I had came across this house with the same black van I saw when I was walking home with Robin the day he went missing.

Oh my god.

I ran to the house and stared to look around for and entrance to look in the back of the house.

Fuck it, im just gonna hop the fence.

So I did and looked around for any basement doors or windows.

I found something, and it was a window.

I saw a little bed on the floor with a phone. But no one inside there.

Or at least I thought...

Someone came out to the phone and put it back.

It looked like a man in a mask.

The grabber?

He looked at the window I was looking through and saw me.

Oh fucking hell.

I started to turn around and ran the other way back ti the house.

The grabber came out and ran to his van and was driving towards me.

I was turning a corner when I slipped on a water bottle.

Oh fuck me.

That's when he stoped the van in front of me and ran out towards me.

I didn't have enough time to run away and he got me.

I was screaming at the rio of my lugs when he sprayed some drug in my mouth and shoved me in the van.

Then everything turned black.

Hey guys!!! I hope u guys liked this story and I have a surprise for u.... Im gonna make another chapter today and will try to post it later tonight. I really hope you guys liked this chapter and wish u guys the best!!!! Ilygsm!!!!! Byeeee !!!!❤️❤️❤️

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