Chapter 6

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It was the next day and they all had school. Gwen woke Perla up early so because Gwen had a surprise for Perla.

"Wakey wakey Perla!" Gwen said excited but in a low tone

"10 more minutes.." Perla said tired as hell

"No. I have a surprise for you and I need you dressed and ready in 30 minutes!" Gwen ordered

"Alright fine!" Perla said as she gave in

She got up and headed to the shower. She was still kind of asleep. She turned on the the shower and got in. She flinched as the hot water hit her back.

{time skip after ur shower}

After Perla was done taking a shower, she put on her favorite lotion followed by her clothes.

After Perla was done taking a shower, she put on her favorite lotion followed by her clothes

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{the fit}

And headed downstairs to the smell of food? This was new for her because she would be the one always cooking.

As she walked into the kitchen, and saw Gwen cooking! I've never really seen her cook.

{Perla POV}

"Oh hey Perla! I'm making pancakes!" Gwen said with the biggest smile on her face

"Oh my god! This looks amazing!" I said shocked
Because there was already bacon, sausage, egg, and strawberries on the table. I was so amazed and proud of Gwen. Make me tear up.🥲

"You think? I'm almost don't with the pancakes l, I just need 2 more to cook. Then we should be fine." She said while flipping the pancakes.

"Alright. I'll go and get Finn." I said still with shock

"Okay!" She answered

And with that, I went to go in Finney's room and see him fixing his hair. Odd?

He didn't see me so I just stood there by the door.

"Who you fixing your hair for?" I said while he jumped with fear.

"Jesus Perla, can you knock? And I- I'm not fixing m- my hair f-for anyone..." he said stuttering

"Really?" I asked knowing he was lying

"Y- yes!" He stated

"Then why are you stuttering?" I said with a smirk


"Well damn. Didn't think all this would make you yell at me." I said while laughing

"Shut up!" He said while trying not to laugh

"Yea well, Gweny said to hurry up because she made breakfast and wants us to eat before we head out."

"Gwen made breakfast?" He said shocked

"Yeah I know! It's finally not me who's making the food this time!" I said while laughing again

"Wow! Lemme she what she made!" He said pushing me out of the way while running out of his room.

"HEY ASSHOLE! NEXT TIME SAY EXCUSE ME!" I said yelling at him from the stairs

"SORRY PERLA!" He yelled back from downstairs

"jerk." I said while walking downstairs

"Hey! I heard that!" Finney said

"GOOD! I wanted you to hear it!" I answered

{time skip you guys walking to school}

We were all walking when Finney stoped to look at flyers on a fence.

"It's new..." he said

"What's new?" I said still looking ahead while I stoped where Finney was

"The flyer. It's new." He said with his voice kinda getting shakey

"Oh.. I'm sure Bruce is fine." I said trying to comfort him

"Yeah, I guess." Finney said

As we were walking more towards school. We saw a crowd and heard 'fight, fight, fight!' So we rushed to the crowed.

We saw Moose and the one and only robin.

Uh oh.

"Think you're so tough? I will pound you like a nail you scrawny little beaner." Moose

~btw I'm a beaner🙃~

"Then do it! Unless you're scared." Robin said with no emotion

That's when moose threw a punch but Robin blocked it. That's when Robin kicked moose it the face and he ran into the pole. Then moose turned around and Robin punched his stomach and moose fell to the ground. Robin got on top of him [a/n:wish that was me🤧🤧] and punished him until he was bleeding hella. When Robin was done, he looked around until his eyes meet mine. He smirked, then walked away with one of his friends.

'Damn that smirk is hella fine, he's just fine in general.' I thought

I just smiled back.

When we got to the school we went out separate ways. I headed to my locker, Finney to his, and Gwen to the 7th grade  part of the school.

{no one POV}

She headed to her 1st period class and sat down in any open seat. In her 1st period class they allow you to sit down anywhere.

When she sat down, she put her head in her arms. The class started and she heard the door open and heard the footsteps getting closer to where she was sitting and sat in the chair next to her. She just ignored whoever the person was.

She was somewhat drifting off to sleep when the person bent down to her and whispered in her ear.

"Don't fall fall asleep carino. Class ends in 13 minutes."

It was Robin

She slightly lifted up her head to look at him.

"I don't really care when class ends. If I fall asleep, I fall asleep." She said looking from his eyes to his knuckles.

"And you didn't clean up your knuckles?" She said slightly laughing

"Yea, I didn't want to be late to class or else I would be suspended." He said also slightly laughing

"It's gonna get infected if you don't clean it up." She said

"Oh? So you're worried about me carino?" He said smirking

She blushed at the nickname.

"Yes I actually do care about you. Clean it up after class." She stated

"You wanna help me clean it up?" He said still smirking

"I would be honored to." She said now also smirking

They were still talking when the bell rang, and they both headed out the door.

Hey guys!!! I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because it kinda took me forever to get this finished. I honestly really hope u guys loved it!! Anyways, I hope you guys have a good night and it will take a little while to be updating because I start school tmr and all that shiii. So I hope u guys have a good night!!! I love you guys so much!!!! Bye!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

1061 words

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