Chapter 5

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After we arrived at 2nd period, all eyes were in me . Especially Gabby's. I just rolled my eyes at her bc I know damn well this bitch did not just roll her eyes at me. She got me all the way fucked yo if she thinks Ima let that slide. But it's okay. One more wrong move and Ima beat the shit outta this dumb bitch.

Anyways I sat down next to Robin bc we had the same class period for 2nd period. We were talking and laughing when the teacher came in and handed us a worksheet to do then just told us to do whatever when we're done. I honestly kinda like this teacher. We gonna be besties, I can already smell it.

{time skip after school}
Me, Robin, Finney, and Gwen were leaving the school building when all of a sudden gabby came out of nowhere stopping me dead on my tracks.

"Bro can your bitch ass move outta my fucking way?" I said frustrated already just from seeing the sight of her.

"No I can't actually." Gabby said with a grin

"And what did I tell you about hanging out with my Robin?" Gabby also added with attitude.

Who tf does this bitch think she is talking to me like that? I just boutta had enough of this hoe.

"I know what the fuck you told me. But am I gonna listen to some bitch who thinks she runs me? Hell the fuck no." I said with a cocky ass smile

"Cool it with the fucking attitude jalepeño!" She said

Oh this bitch boutta be fucked up.

"Oh shit!" Both Finney and Gwen said

{No ones POV}

They were just watching them argue until Gabby made that comment about Perla. They knew what was about to go down. Robin nor Gabby knew what was about to happen.

When Perla was about to swing in Gabby, that's when both Gwen and Finney moved Robin out of the way.

Once Perla swing at gabby, she fell to the ground grabbing her face. But did Perla stop there? No!

She got on top of Gabby and started to beat the living shit outa her. Maybe almost killer her.

Robin was so shocked, it almost had him scared. But he found it hot considering he also fights. But he didn't want to move too fast with you. He wanted to be friends to lovers type shit. He always wanted to know how that felt like. He had some attraction to her, but didn't want to push it, but for now. He wanted to be friends.

There was already a huge crowd around them. And after Perla was done beating the shit out of Gabby she said

"Fuck with me again, and it will be much worse puta." She said glaring at the girl who had blood on her nose and mouth

Perla looked around and just scoffed. Then walked all the way home. Gwen, Finney and Robin were running after her.

"Perla!! Wait!!" Gwen said as they were catching up to her

"What do you guy s want?" She said frustration

"We wanna know why the fuck did you dear the shit out of Gabby Miller?!?" Finney asked

"Because she was being a cocky slut and tried saying I was way to close with Robin which was not the problem at all. The problem was her thinking that she came try to control me into doing whatever the fuck she says, hell no. That's when Ima beat this bitch up, so I did." She said with a big smile on her face

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