Chapter 2

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He looked at me and I pulled down my headphones to hang around my neck and paused my tape. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, I wasn't paying attention." He makes eye contact with me "uh- it's fine. By the way, I'm sorry, for your loss." He frowns a bit. "Oh yeah uh..thanks." I reply a little awkward.

"I'm Finney, this is my sister Gwen" he says as he points his thumb to the girl standing beside him. "Gwen this is.." he gestures his hand to me. "Alyssa, but some people call me Ally" I smile a bit.

"That's a pretty name" she smiles. "Thanks" I reply. "We should get going we're going to be late." Gwen tells us.

We started walking to the curb of the street when we we heard a group of people chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" so without a thought we sprinted to the scene.

It was Moose and my friend Robin. "You think you're so tough, huh?" Moose provokes Robin. "Let's find out." He replies back. "I will pound you like a nail, you scrawny little beaner." He says trying to act all tough. "Then do it...unless you're scared." Robin says while still holding his ground.

That's when Moose swung his right fist but Robin was fast enough to duck down and punch him on his side. Then he roundhoused Moose in the face making him to turn around and hit the pole. He quickly turned back to throw a punch but Robin beat him to it and punched his gut.

Then he had him huddled over below Robin's waist, his arms were swinging but he didn't touch Robin. He picked up Moose and turned him on his back over his shoulder and dropped him on the floor.

He got on top of Moose and began punching his face, there was blood gushing everywhere, it was dripping from his mouth and nose.

Everyone was cheering Robin on. Finney was trying to get Gwen to leave with him "come on." he placed his hand on her arm trying to pull her away to walk back and looks at me, "do you want to walk with us?" He raised his voice a bit so I could hear him over the crowd, I nod.

"Holy Shit" she said still watching the fight. "Let's go, Let's go." He says a bit louder while pulling her away harder.

"What the hell. That was Moose." She was upset he didn't let her watch him finish Moose off. "I don't care." He replied seriously. "moose is a giant asshole." "I know" he sighs. "But last year when he made your nose bleed-"

"gwen." He cuts her off. "He had it coming." He turns to look at her and moves his bag to point at the spot where moose was beat up. "No one has that coming." He said. "Finney, he beat you up." She lightens her tone. "I know Gwen I was there remember? I.. I just don't wanna talk about it."

Moose beat Finney up last year when I had just moved here, so I heard about it through the grapevine.

"Well he was stupid to pick a fight with Robin Arellano. He's the toughest kid in school since The Grabber got Pinball Vance Hopper." Gwen states. "I wish you wouldn't call him that." Finney replies "Everyone called him Pinball Vance." "No, I mean..."

She cuts him off  "i know who you mean jerk face. Even the papers call him The Grabber." She talks more fierce. "Just... wish you wouldn't say his name." He sighed.

"you don't actually believe that story, do you?" I interrupt them. "No" he replies "Because he can't hear you. He doesn't really take the kids that say it." I state. "I know that." he replies. "Finney." His sister calls out.

"I said I know." He looks at her as they walk side by side. "Then say it." She says. "No" he laughs.

"are you chicken?" His smile quickly fades. "I didn't mean it" she offers. "I know" he says back while bumping her left arm softly.

I hear a car drive by and turn to see the black van from the other day. It turned to the opposite direction.

She goes into a different direction so we say our goodbyes. I continue walking with Finney though. "Can I.. ask you what happened? I mean, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." He stumbles on his words a bit.

"Oh I thought everyone knew what happened...When I got home from the game I had to use the bathroom but the door was locked and there was water leaking out into the hallway so I picked the lock and I found her in the tub."

I bite my lip a bit as the memories come racing. "Your mom right?" He asks. I just nod in response.

"My mom... killed herself too." He says a bit low which makes me look at him. He looks up at me "I'm sorry, I had no idea." I place my hand on his left shoulder which makes him smile a bit. "It's hard you know, but if you need someone to talk to i'm always there for you Alyssa." He says right before the bell rings.

"Same goes for you Finney, I'll see you during science." I smile before heading off. "Okay." He smiles back.


"The inner core, solid. The outer core is molten, the next layer called the mantle is mostly solid however..."

I couldn't help but look over at Finney, he was sitting there looking at his rocket pen. He turned the light on and looked at me. I immediately looked away.

Shit he must've sensed me looking at him.

"the thin outer zone of the mantle is partially molten."

I glanced to see Finney but he was already looking at me, I got nervous and turned back to continue writing notes.

"Next slide, the surface layer is called the crust. It is solid and very thin, as the earth separated into layers it began to cool slowly but the interior is still very hot." The bell rang and everyone got up and started walking out.

I try to go up to him so we could hang out during break but he began speed walking down the hall. "Hey Finney" three boys start chasing him. It's the three guys that keep picking on him, so I followed them into the bathroom.

They were standing close to the door while Finney stood across from them. They turned to look at me "Did you get lost or something princess?" The ginger laughs.

I shot him down with a glare as I shoved past them with my shoulders so I could stand between them and Finney. "What do you want dyke?" The guy in the middle asks. "I want you to leave Finney alone." I reply with a threatening tone. "Or what?" The boys tease.

The bathroom door opens and Robin stands behind the boys.

"Dipshits, move." He says seriously as they step aside for him to walk by. "Hey Ally, Finn, what's happenin?" He asks as he turns on the faucet to wash his bloody knuckles.

"You know just keepin on keepin on i guess." He replies. "Uh huh, Moose got some damn sharp teeth. Knuckles bled all first period." he cleans his knuckles under the water. "Wait" he said as the three boys began walking out.

"Fuck with Finn again-" He says while pulling out paper towels and cleaning his right knuckles. "we fuck with you." I threaten them. "You can leave now." He looks at them then back to his hand while wrapping it with a paper towel and tape. They walk out defeated in silence.

"Thank you" Finney says. "You're gonna have to stand up for yourself one of these days." Robin states as he continues wrapping his hand. "I'm going to leave, I'll see you guys later." I say as I begin walking out. "Bye Ally." Robin smiles. "Bye Alyssa." Finney says while walking to a stall.

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