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It had been four days since Robin had disappeared.

The most dreadful four days Lucas had ever endured.

Finney was barely making his way through school, although he still had hopes Robin was okay. Lucas on the other hand was struggling, even if Robin could rock the shit out of anyone, a grown man could eventually kill the boy.

Walking home from school, Finney and Lucas walk silently side by side. Gwen had separated ways from the boys earlier, being a Friday, where Finney would deal with their father so the younger girl could go to Susie's for a sleepover.

The boy's arms brushed against the others as they walked, looking away from each other silently flustered and not bringing it up. They were just friends walking home together. It was completely innocent yet Lucas felt his heart melting everytime Finney's fingers brushed his.

A black van stood at the end of the street as the two boys carefully tried to walk past it, Lucas clearly terrified. The poor boy already felt like he was being watched 24/7 and seeing this black van only made it worse.

A man with a mask emerged from the back of the van, dropping a paper bag full of groceries on the ground as he falls. Finney goes to help the man as Lucas stands back, creeped out by the freaky mask and hat, the van, everything about this felt off. Like Lucas had to run but his legs were bolted into the ground.

Finney looks into the window of the van, "Are those black balloons?" He asks with a raspy voice

"They sure are" The man answers, opening the van door. "I'm a part time magician, you wanna see a magic trick?"

Lucas, now wide-eyed as he just stood there and watched, legs basically bolted to the concrete, body frozen as he watched the man attack Finney. Finn tried defending himself with his spaceship pen that also functioned as a blade and flashlight, cutting the man's arm deeply as he shouts.

Finn calls for Lucas but the only thing he heard was a loud ringing noise as he stood paralyzed. The man sprayed chloroform into Finney's eyes and mouth, shoving him into the van. The black balloons got stuck in tree branches above, Finney shouts as he lays in the back of the van, seeing the man walk towards the paralyzed and terrified Lucas.

"Lucas! No! Leave him alone!" Finney tries to shout but passes out, his voice droning out as his world became blurry.

The man approached Lucas, another bottle of chloroform in his hands as the brunette starts to silently cry, knowing he was about to die. The man easily grabs the boy, spraying the chloroform into his mouth with little struggle, throwing him in the back with Finney, his arm bleeding like crazy. It looked like he murdered someone, which he probably would.

Before Lucas completely passed out, he did his best to raise his hand towards Finney's, letting his fingers tie in with his as he exhales harshly, closing his eyes.


Lucas awakens, on a dirty, old mattress and four, solid concrete walls surrounding him. His throat felt swollen like to the size of a baseball, he felt like the only way he could swallow or breathe was to open his mouth as he lay on the mattress.

Finney wasn't there, worrying Lucas as he tried to sit up. Lucas rubs his eyes, retying his white laces on his black sneakers. The boy looks around the room, a window sat at the top of the wall behind of him, letting some sun in so he could see.

"Fuh-Finney? Finn? F-Finn?" He shouts, spinning around the room for any sign of Finney. "Finn!" The boy screams, tangling his fingers in his hair in distress, falling back down on the mattress

The large door opens with a creak, revealing the man who had taken Lucas and Finn. He stands at the door as he speaks to him, without a hat now and revealing his shoulder length, blonde hair.

"How's your throat?"

"Where.. is he?" Lucas sternly asks, not stuttering once, 'Fucking psycho acting like he cares about my well being. What the fuck is this?' he thought.

"Bitchy one." The man mutters, "Come on" he scoffs

Lucas glances back at the mattress, making sure his backpack wasn't magically there and he could grab it to take it with him. Lucas slowly follows the man down a small hallway as he opens another large door, where Finney Shaw lay on a mattress just like Lucas was.

Lucas runs to Finney, the door loudly slamming behind him. Lucas slides down on his knees in front of the sleeping Finney, shaking him and pleading for him to wake up.

Finn's eyes open as he reaches for Lucas, his eyes red and swollen a bit. Lucas starts to tear up, sitting Finn up and hugging him.

"Are you okay?" Finney asks

"Yuh-yeah. My throat is bad but fine.. are you okay? How's your eyes?" Lucas asks

"They hurt. Where are we?"

"The Grabber's suh-secret lair I sup-suppose"

Finney sighs, pulling Lucas onto the mattress with him. Finn looks into Lucas' eyes for some sort of telekinetic support. Finn's vision was still a bit blurry, but he could see Lucas raise his hand and put it on his cheek.

"Wuh-we'll get out of huh-here, right?"

"Yeah. We'll get out. I promise"

Finney lays a hand on Lucas' cheek, looking down at his lips. Lucas mentally freaks out, glancing down at his. The sun perfectly shined on the two, making Finney the center of attention like an angel.

Lucas slams his lips into Finney's, Finn not reacting in shock as he pulls away.

"Uh- I- uhm- I'm sorry. I-If we die do-down here I wanna cluh-clear some weight from my sh-shoulders"

Finn doesn't respond, just staring at Lucas.

"Fuck" Lucas mutters, "I wasn't serious when I said that. I don't wanna die" Lucas cries

Finn just embraces him in another hug, rocking him in his arms as he starts to sob. Lucas mentally hits himself for being such an idiot and a screw up. No wonder where he got that shit from.

"It's okay, Luke. I'm not giving up right now. We will get out"

AN - sorry for the short chap, I didn't wanna start the calls so early in aka it'll be next chapter. sorry this was short in general, I was trying to drag it out but yk I suck at filler it's just boring 💀 but yeah I'll see you all... tomorrow hopefully lol

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