Chapter Eight

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Dally's POV:

I walked into the Tulsa Hospital carrying Leanna bridal style, out of breath, since I'd been running.

"Someone help!" I yelled slightly.

Nurses crowded around us and laid Leanna on a stretcher and wheeled her away into a room. We weren't allowed to follow, since the doctor needed to question us about what happened.

"Okay sir, so can you please describe to me what exactly happened?" Asked the doctor.

"Uh well we were walking in the street and we got jumped by some people and one of 'em cut her 'cross the stomach with a switch." I said.

"Okay, thank you sir. I'm going to check with the nurses and I'll let you know how she's doing."

We all nodded and sat impatiently in the waiting area. I was really worried, I know it was just a cut, but part of me felt like this was my fault. Like I didn't do enough to protect her.

About fifteen minutes later the doctor returned and said

"So Leanna has a deep cut running along her stomach, so she's going to need a couple of stitches."

"Do you know when we can see her?" Asked Johnny.

"In about an hour or so, when we've finished. I'll let you know."

And with that he walked away.

**One Hour Later**

After about an hour of sitting in the waiting area, the doctor came back.

"Boys, if you'd like to see Leanna, you can come with me." He said.

We all stood up and followed him to Leanna's room. When we got there, she was sitting up in her bed, eating a cookie.

I chuckled at the sight of her, she looked so happy after having her stomach sewn together.

"Hey baby, you feelin' ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." She smiled.

"How many stitched did ya get?" Asked Pony.


"Does it hurt?" Asked Two-bit.

"Not really."

"When can ya leave?" I asked.

"The nurse said I can leave as soon as I want."

"Ok, so ya ready to go?"

"Yep." She smiled.

She quickly changed back into her clothes from the hospital gown and we made our way out.

"So uh, we never exactly made it to the Dingo." Said Pony.

"Yeah, can we go I'm starvin' man." I said.

We all agreed and once we got to the Dingo, we sat down and ordered our food. Ironically, all of us got a burger and fries with a coke.

Once we all finished eating, we walked back to the Curtis house to drop of Pony and Johnny and I took Leanna back to Buck's with me.

For once, there wasn't a party going on, and I led her up the stairs to my room.

"Thanks for lettin' me stay with you Dal." She said.

"No problem baby." I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

We stayed like that for a good five minutes, just enjoying each other's presence and then I gave her a pair of sweatpants and a sweat shirt for pajamas.

She changed in the bathroom, and when she came out she looked adorable. I know I sound soft for saying that, but she's my weak spot. My clothes were huge on her and I laughed at the sight of her.

She laughed with me and we climbed into bed. She laid her head on my chest and we both drifted off to sleep.

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