Chapter Three

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Leanna's Point of View:
After I changed into my bathing suit I met the boys out on the dock and noticed Dally staring at me.
"What're ya starin' at?" I smirked.
"You." He smirked right back.
"Okay enough flirting you two lets get swimmin'." Laughed Two-bit. I felt my cheeks heat up but I tired my best to ignore it. It turned out that Darry and found a rope attached to a tree so we could all swing off it and go into the lake. Dally of course was the first one to try it.

He climbed up the tree, and I have to say, he looked like a monkey. He grabbed onto the rope and swung perfectly into the lake making a huge splash. The rest of the boys followed in suit and then it was my turn.
"I'm scared." I whined.
"Come on babe you'll be fine." Said Dally.
"Come on just go."
I did as he said and swung right into the lake. I laughed when I reached the water but soon stopped when I felt something grab my ankles. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I was pulled under the water and when I opened my eyes, it was none other than Dallas. We both rose to the surface and i playfully slapped him.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again Dallas." I said madly.
"Sorry babe." He smirked.
He just laughed and swam off. The rest of the day we played some games in the water and relaxed. For dinner, Darry grilled some hamburgers and by now we were all sitting around a small fire Soda had made.
"Hey I have an idea, let's play truth or dare." Suggested Steve. We all agreed and Two-bit decided to start.
"Leanna, truth or dare?" He asked me. I hate dares so I'm going with truth.
"Okay, out of all of us who would you rather date?"
"Um, probably Dally." I said getting slightly embarrassed. I looked over at Dally and he was just smiling like an idiot.
"Okay, so Ponyboy truth or dare?" I asked.
"I dare you to switch clothes with Two-bit." The boys went into a cabin and came out wearing each other's clothes, and let me tell you, it was hilarious. Ponyboy was wearing Two-bits leather jacket and Mickey Mouse shirt which were all too big on him and Two-bit looked like his clothes had been shrunken in the dryer.
"Alright, uh Dal truth or dare?" Asked Pony.
"I dare you to kiss Leanna."
The whole gang just "ooooohed" besides me, I was blushing like crazy.
"Gladly." Said Dally.
We both stood up and he grabbed my waist and leaned in, our lips connected and it felt magical. And yes I know that it sounds really cheesy but that's how it felt. This kiss lasted about five seconds until I pulled away.
"Wow." Dally said.
We returned back to our seats and kept playing for about 30 minutes. We all got tired and decided to go to sleep. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into my bed with Dally.
"Goodnight Dally." I said.
"Goodnight babe."
"Goodniiiight." He said dragging out the "I". I laid in bed for about an hour but I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to take a walk along the dock. I walked around a bit until I heard a voice and fear took over my body only to soon realize it was Dallas.

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