Chapter One

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Leanna's Point of View:
I was walking down the street on my way to go see a movie at The Nightly Double when I heard the roar of a car engine lurking near me. Shit, I thought to myself, Socs. I reached for the back pocket of my jeans for my switch blade only to realize that I've forgotten it at home.
"Now, what's a pretty grease like you doin' walkin' all alone?" some obnoxious Soc asked me. I tried my best to ignore them and keep on walking.
"Hey, when I talk to you, you answer grease." He demanded. I could smell the alcohol on his breath from a mile away. I didn't even look at him, I just kept going. Bad mistake. The car stopped and all four of them stepped out. I began to run, but surely I wasn't fast enough. One of them cought onto the hood of my sweatshirt and dragged me back. I was pinned to the ground and tears began to fall from my eyes.
"Stop cryin' grease." A different Soc commanded. I tried to stop, but I couldn't, the tears just kept coming. Sure enough, he slapped me right across the face, not to mention hard. I let more tears slip as I heard footsteps coming closer to me. Oh great, I thought to myself. More Socs, comin' to beat me up. I heard some groans as I noticed the Socs getting back into their car and three other boys kneeling by me. They looked like greasers but of course I was still afraid. I began to cry again and hugged my knees tight into my chest.
"Hey, stop cryin', they're gone now." one of the boys reassured me. I did as he said and stopped crying.
"What's your name?" he asked me.
"Leanna." I responded. "Leanna Brown."
"Well nice to meet you Leanna, I'm Ponyboy and these are my buddies Johnny and Dallas." he said as he gestured to the two other boys. I noticed Johnny had a large scar running across his face. I wonder what that's from. Dallas then extended his hand out towards me "Hi, I'm Dallas but you can call me Dally." he said as I shook his hand. I saw Johnny and Ponyboy give each other a confused look.
"Hey Dal, uh, are you okay?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"I dunno, I've just never seen you been such a gentlemen." he giggled. Then it hit me. Dallas Winston. He just got out of the cooler and he's also known as Tulsa's biggest bad boy. We're polar opposites.
"Well, a nice looking broad like this certainly deserves the best." Dallas said confidently. He extended his hand again, this time to help me up off the ground.
"Leanna, why don't you come back to my place until you feel a little better? You can meet the rest of our buddies?" Ponyboy asked.
"Okay." I nodded. We all walked in a comfortable silence until we reached a small house with a gate around it and Ponyboy led us inside. Inside there was about four other boys sitting around and all their heads turned to me as we walked in.
"Well, now whose this pretty lady?" asked a boy who looked about my age wearing a DX shirt.
"Hey uh guys this is Leanna, we found her gettin' jumped my a couple of Socs, Darry it alright if she hangs here for a while?" Ponyboy said. What I'm guessing would be Darry nodded in agreement.
"Leanna, this is Darry, Sodapop but we call him Soda, Steve, and Two-bit." Johnny introduced. A bunch of "hellos" echoed throughout the small living room and Dallas led me to the couch.
"You like Mickey?" Two-bit asked me. I nodded and he said
"Good, I like you already." I just giggled. We watched Mickey Mouse for about and hour and a half when I said
"I think I better head home, my mom might be lookin' for me." Everyone nodded and I heard a couple "goodbyes" as they all turned their heads back to the small TV.
"I'll walk ya?" Dally offered.
"Sure." I said.
We walked in silence for about two minutes until Dally started speaking.
"So uh, what're ya doin' tonight?" he asked.
"Nothing, I don't think." I told him.
"I was wonderin' maybe you wanted to go out to the Nightly Double and catch a movie or somethin'" he asked confidentially.
"Yeah sure." I responded.
"Cool, so I'll pick you up at 8?"
I nodded as we reached my house.
"See ya then." I said as I walked inside my house, only to see my mother passed out on the couch with a beer in her hand. I rolled my eyes as I walked down the short hallway into my bedroom. It was 5:30 right now, and I was going to The Nightly Double with Dally at 8 so I decided to take a quick shower. When I got out of the shower I saw my mother was awake.
"Hey sweetie." She greeted me.
"Hi mom"
"Are you okay? You look like you've been hit." She exclaimed worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I got beat up by some stupid Socs while I was takin' I walk." I explained.
"Oh and by the way, I'm goin' out tonight at 8 with one of the boys who helped me get away from them Socs." I said.
"Okay honey, just be safe." She said. I nodded and made my way back to my room. I brushed out my short brown hair and let it dry while I did a little bit of makeup. All I put on was mascara. For my outfit I chose, jeans with a white tee shirt and a blue and white flannel shirt. I also paired it with my brown combat boots. By now it was 7:55 and I heard a knock on my front door. I walked over and opened it to see Dally with a smirk on his face.
"Hey Dal." I greeted him.
"Hey, let's get goin' shall we?" He laughed.
"We shall." I giggled.
We walked in a comfortable silence until we reached the Nightly Double. Dally showed me a hole in the fence and we wiggled through and didn't have to pay. We sat down and started watching the movie. About 20 minutes through, Dally tried to use the move where he fake yawns and puts his arm around me I just laughed at him and went along with it. When the movie was over we started making our way back to my house when Dally said
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." I responded.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.
I was shocked. Does THE Dallas Winston like me?
"Nope." I said popping the "p". He just smirked. We arrived at my house and I said goodbye to Dally and waved him off and I came home to see no sign of my mother. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note taped to the counter saying:
I went on a quick weekend trip to clear my mind of things, I've been really stressed lately, I hope you understand. I'll be back in a week.
I read the note to myself and went into my room and drifted off to sleep.

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