Flowers? No no, love 😍😍

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(I scratched doing two parts because that's stupid)

You and mirabel discuss more on which one of her sisters you should tell, you try to push telling them both but mirabel is set on just telling one of them. Mirabel explains her plan like a heist mission.
"Okay so we can sneak into isa's room while everyone else is out helping the town, isabela stays back a bit in the afternoons so we can use this to our advantage. We sneak in with our 5 minute window but dodge all of isa's plants there's carnivores ones. I go from the side and you go behind. I get a conversation with her and bring you up then pull you from behind me then BOOM she knows" mirabel says drawing out our moves on a little piece of paper.
"Let's do this!" Mirabel says excitedly you nod back hoping nothing goes wrong. Mirabel stealthily pulls you out of the nursery, staying close to the wall then suddenly.
"Uhhh mirabel, y/n what are you doing?" Luisa says walking past you and mirabel. Oh no we have been caught.
"Umm we're just heading to Isabela's room," Mirabel says trying to save the situation, Luisa shrugs and walks away.

(a/n: I had restrained a lot to not make the plan harder)

You and Mirabel continue your mission. Finally you side step all the way to isa's door.
"Okay follow exactly behind me" mirabel whispers putting extra enfaces on exactly. You follow behind mirabel while also dodging all of the sharp pointy plants shooting out of the walls. Mirabel walks up to Isabela and starts up this weird conversation.
"Sooo isa found any new plants...?" Mirabel says awkwardly, you where terrified of how this would go. Isabela excitedly  talks about her findings, no one asks her and she loves telling people. As Isabela goes on you sneak out from behind mirabel and Isabela must have seen you.
"Hello y/n! where did you come from?"she says excitedly.
"Oh i um just... walked in!" You say covering your tracks.
"Oh okay! Well we best be off mirabel, are you coming too y/n?" Isabela says walking to the door.
"Wait! Isa there is something I wanted to tell... you" mirabel trys saving the situation
"Go on..." Isabela says slyly, crossing her arms as she swerved on her heel to face you. You turn to Mirabel who was twiddling her thumbs, looking at the ground trying to mask up the courage to say it.
"Me and y/n... are-" "dating? I figured" isa says cutting mirabel off swiftly walking away with the swish of her hair.
"Woah, um. That did not go how i planned at all" mirabel chuckled weakly, looks sheepishly at the ground, now her hands drooped to her sides as she fiddled around with the embroidery on her dress, you walk closer to mirabel and pull her into a hug.
"Aren't you glad you told her?" "Y-yea but I didn't expect her to already know" she scoffs pulling out a bit on your shared hug and holding your face, her green glasses almost shining in the ray of sun coming through the big windows in Isabellas room. You had always said this but she looked stunning, her big brown eyes gleaming in the light as you two walk away hand in hand out of Isabella's revamped room and onto the streets, mirabel not letting go of your hand. The whole time, sweetly enough there was a festival going on for the madrigal family, must be someone's birthday. Walking through there where banners and glowing lanterns hanging from large poles in the ground. It looked magical as you continued to look around, there where large rings of all types of flowers and succulents hung in rows, leading you and mirabel along like a path. It felt like ages before the wonder ended and you where both greeted with a table. Confused at this abrupt furnishing finish you turn to mirabel who meets you gaze.
"Are you excited?" She asks, gripping your hand tighter with the brightest smile on her face. Her eyes gleaming and shimmering in the light of the lanterns. She then looks back at the table and lets go of your hand.

Completely forgot about the amazing little people in my phone that like this story 😔🫶
But holy moly this story has blown up since i last looked at it ‼️‼️‼️ its gone from 10.3k reads to a whopping 13.1⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ all of you are seriously awesome 🤩 and i will continue to appreciate everyone who reads this silly story i made like one year ago 🥺🥺
Word count: 786 🫡

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