Chapter 15: Bender...

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  • Dedicated to Everyone reading this right now!

Sup my peoples!!! I love all of the commets ad likes you guys are givig me, it meas so much to me and always puts a giat smile on my face! I wish that I could dedicate this story to every single one of you so... I will :) Thanks again!! And please enjoy!!!



Harrys POV:

All that I saw was darkness, nothig else. It seemed as though it was never eding, I couldn't see and end, or a begining, I didn't even see a floor.

Suddely a bright light shone right infrot of me and I saw a sillouette walking towards me. The stranger was dressed in a a white cloak with golden embroderies. You could see strange red markings covering his entire body, even his face. His head was covered in perfect long curly blond hair that looked similar to mine. As the person stepped closer I realized that it was me! But this person was more pale and they had red eyes that would strike fear into any mans heart. I backed away from the strager until I felt myself run into a wall.

"W-who are you?" I asked with a quivering voice.

"There is no need to be afraid of me Harry, for I am you.I am here to warn you." He told me.

His voice was like ice, it sent a chill down my spine and cut through me like glass. even though his words were ment to be kind they still made me shiver in fear.

"W-warn me about what?" I stuttered.

"Your powers, the war, our possible death." He informed me.

"What powers? What war? And what do you mean by our?" I questioned him.

"One question at a time." He said in an overly calm voice.

"What powers could I possibly have?"

"Well you see you are the bender, and as the bender you control the five elements-"

"I thought there was only four elements?" I cut him off.

"If you would let me finish." He snapped.

I shrunk back in fear at his comanding voice and nodded, mummbling a quick "Sorry"

"As I was saying, you control the five elements. Fire, air, water, earth and death." He explained.

"Death?" I gasped.

"Yes death.  You will be albe to control the dead spirits, although that element will be much harder to gain control of. You saw what happened to your lover, the darkness took over him and if you weren't there to calm him he would've gone on a killing rampage until his thirst for blood was quinched. That could happen to you as well." Stated the man.

"I would never to that!" I disagreed.

"Not on purpose, but if you let me free than... well lets just say it would not be a good thing." He smirked.

"B-but you just told me not to be afraid of you." I reminded him confused.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about, I would never hurt the person that I seek saftey in. But once I gain control of your body, I will slaughter any one that gets in my way." He smiled, a smile that was to crooked to be considered comforting.

"Don't you dare hurt any of my friends!" I shouted at him.

"I will not, as long as I do not get free." He pointed out.

"Fine, but I swear to god if you touch Lou- I mean any one of them I will slit your throat!" I threatened.

"We are both the same person, good luck with that." He grinned cockily.

"Whatever." I scoffed.

"Any other questions?" He pestered.

"Yah. What do you mean when you say 'our possible death' how would you know if I was going to die?" I questioned.

"Well you see, when you go through the transfermation of human to bender your body changes in certain ways. Your senses become sharper, and your dna changes so that your able to control the elements. But there is a certain ritual you must perform or else you'll die. And when you die I die." He elucitated.

"Whats the rutial?" I asked.

"Hell if I know! All I know is that its vital for you to perform this within a week of your transfermation or else." He traced his finger across his neck and I gulped.

"Well, um.... what about the war you were telling me about?" I wondered.

"Ah yes! Well you see there are other supernatural creatures then vampires. And once you learn to control your powers and use them for a weaponed, they will want you." He explained.

"Why would they want me?"

"Because when you have your powers you are practicly unstopable! If I come out while your fighting we will destroy everything in site. Alot of people want that type of power Harry, and they will kill for it." He told me darkly.

"I-I don't want to be part of this!" I groaned.

He smirked at me. "You have no choice Harry."

"Please! I don't want to be the centre of a war!" I pleaded.

"Sorry nothing I can do about it!" He shrugged. "Now go to your friends and lover. And remember Harry, I am the dark part of your soul, try not to let me out."

And with that he dissapeared into the darkness again and I was left standing alone.

This is way to much to think about right now.

All of a sudden a bright light came from above me and I felt myself bolting up back into conciousness. My breathing was heavy and I noticed that I was on a bed, not just any bed but Louis' bed.

"Harry your okay!" Louis exclaimed happily giving me a bone crushing hug.

I didn't even realize that he was sitting on the bed beside me until then.

"Lou, whats happening to me?" I asked him.

He looked taken aback by my question. "Nothing Hazza." He lied.

"Don't lie to me!" I growled.

Wait I just growled! I've never done anything like that before!

"Harry, your transforming." He explained.

"How do I stop myself from dying?" I questioned, praying that he would know the answer.

"Well... only one person actually knows how to stop you from dying." He sighed looking at the bed sheets.

"Who?" I asked eagerly.

"My dad."




All done!! Sorry it took me so long, I had massive writers block! But now its up and posted so everythings good! :) :) Remember to:





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