Chapter 16: Bad Memories

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OMG over 1000 reads on the last chapter!! I love you guys so freaking much!! <3 <3 <3 I'm gonna try to make this chapter really good! :)



Louis POV:

 We were all smiling and laughing when suddenly I noticed Harry out of the corner of my eye. His face was scrunched up and pain and tears were flowing out of his eyes, but the scary thing was that they weren't normal tears. Instead of the clear water dripping down his cheeks, his tears were pitch black, almost like oil. I rushed over to him and caught him before he could hit the floor,he looked at me with pain filled eyes before they closed. Luckily I could still hear his heart beat, I dont know what I would've done if he died.

"Louis what just happened?" Niall whispered in a child like voice.

Zayn brought Niall in for a hug and I saw Liam flinch from the corner of my eye. Great they still haven't talked about it yet.

"I-I don't know Niall." I answered in a shaky voice picking Harry up so that I was holding him bridal style in my arms.

"Louis is this what your father was talking about? About how Harry might die?" Zayn asked carefully.

"Hell no! Harry is not dying!" Liam protested loudly.

"Liam calm down. And Zayn, I'm pretty sure that this has something to do with what my father was talking about." I told them.

I held Harry even closer to my chest, protecting him from anything to come. Although I'm pretty sure I put him in danger as soon as I captured him. I felt a png of guilt in my chest. If I had never captured Harry he would've never met me, and his bender would not have awoken... if I didn't take Harry he wouldn't have died. A deep frown filled my face and I started walking up to my, well I guess our room.

"What are we gonna do Louis?" Niall questioned.

I stopped halfway up the stairs and looked down at the ground.

"I don't know Niall, I just don't know." I replied sadly.

I carried him to our room and gently placed him down on the bed. Swiftly I pulled the cover out from under him and flipped them on top of him again. I caressed his cheek and realized how hot his skin felt to my touch. I placed my hand on his forehead and I had to pull back it was so hot.

"I'm so sorry Hazza." I whispered kissing his flaming forehead.

I sat on the bed beside him not wanting to make him even more sick then he already is. His eyes moved rapidly back and forth and he kept mumbling random things in his sleep, his mumbling was so quiet that not even I could hear it. All of a sudden his eyes stopped moving and he sat up quickly. His breathing was heavy and he looked around the room breifly.

A large smily spread across my face.

"Harry your okay!" I exclaimed hugging him like my life depended on it.

"Lou whats happening to me?" He asked.

I froze and looked at him trying to think of what to say. How can I tell him that he is slowly dying because of me.

"Nothing Hazza." I lied, trying to keep the most normal face I could.

"Don't lie to me Louis!" He growled as his eyes turned pitch black for a second.

I fliched back slightly but I don't think he noticed.

"Harry, your transforming." I explained as simply as I could.

"How do I stopped myself from dying?" He questioned.

How does he know all of this?! What the hell happened when he was knocked out that cuased him to gain so much information?

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