Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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Hey whats up? This is my first ever story so please give me any advice as to writing techniches and any ideas for the story! I really hope you like it please enjoy!! :)



Harrys POV:

"Kay! See you later guys!" I shouted from my best friend Liam's door.

I decided to walk home considering it was a warm summer night and there was really no need to get one of my friends to give me a ride anyway. I heard a nose behind me but just brushed it off as a squirrel or something. I began to hum a random melody and continue walking. Suddenly there was another noise behind me, I turned around quickly but saw nothing but the sidewalk. 'Probably just the leaves' I thought. Even though it was nothing, I quickened my pace. Another noise came from my left, I turned my head quickly and saw only the dark alley way. OK this is officially creeping the crap out of me.

All of a sudden there was an arm around my neck and very little air was reaching my lungs. I began to go into panic mode now, slashing my arms around trying to scream, but this guy has a really tough grip on me.

"Stop moving and I will think about sparing your life, you little pest,” he whispered harshly into my ear.

I stopped moving around and closed my eyes praying to God that this was just a bad dream and that I would wake up soon. But, of course, the universe hates me and decides that I should die. He tied up my arms and legs and taped my mouth shut then threw me into the trunk of a small car and shut it roughly just missing my head. I heard the car engine start and the car began moving to wherever this maniac was taking me.

So many thoughts and questions were running through my head right now. The main question though was 'Where the fuck is this psycho taking me!!??' Why didn't I let Liam give me a ride home? It would have been so much easier. I smelt a strange metallic type smell; it only took a few seconds to realize what the smell was.... blood. But not my own, I didn't feel pain anywhere nor did I feel any blood on my body. OK so this guy has had some bleeding person in his trunk before, great. The car stopped moving and the trunk was lifted up showing me my kidnappers face for the first time.

He had sparrow black hair with a blond stripe and was put into a quiff. He was wearing a leather jacket and a grey T-shirt that said yes, he had a pair of dark ripped jeans on and had a cigarette in his mouth. He was staring at my intently and then scoffed. The stranger picked me up plopping me down on his shoulder and started carrying me to my unknown destination. The smoker opened a door then walked inside and shut it roughly, locking it as well, before he finally put me down.

"Follow me and don't even think about running we are much faster than you" He grumbled.

I unwillingly followed him through the very large and creepy mansion; the entrance way alone was much bigger than my apartment. So wait, does he live alone? I was pulled out of my thoughts when he shoved me into a dark small cell like room. It had grey walls, a concrete, one plastic chair, and a thin mattress hidden in the corner.

"Stay here pet! We will be back soon" He barked. The asshole pushed me down onto the hard floor and left the room, locking the door behind him.

What does he mean by ‘we’? There must be more people here other than him. Oh my god! What if they’re going to gang bang me?! I started to hyperventilate at thoughts of what they could do to me. My mind drifted to my family. How long will it take them to notice I'm gone? How will they cope? Will they ever find me? Will I be dead once they find me?

All of these thoughts drift through my head and I climbed over to me 'bed' if you can even call it that. I let the tears flow down my face freely, I was so scared. The door opened and standing there was the man that I met before and two others. The one had blond hair; he was wearing a dark red polo shirt and some chinos. He had a relatively small frame but he also had quite a bit of muscle on him. The boy in the middle was the one that fascinated me the most. He had light brown hair that was in a fringe, he was wearing a white and blue top with jeans and... Suspenders! He had a more feminine look to him, he was almost beautiful.

No Harry bad thoughts! This guy might kill you; you are not allowed to think he looks beautiful.

"Aw he looks so pathetic, Niall grab him" The middle one snapped.

The blond guy, now known as Niall came up to me and grabbed my arm with incredible force lifting me up off of my resting area. I just noticed something about all three of these people. They were all very pale, must not go out much, probably to bust kidnapping and killing people!

Niall pushed me towards the other two and the middle one smiled.

"Well hello there" He hissed close to my ear.

The one with black hair grabbed me and roughly pushed me into the plastic chair. Why are all of these guys so freakishly strong?!

"How are you Harry? My name is Louis, and this is Zayn" He gestured to the raven haired boy. "And this is Niall" He said

"So any questions? I'm sure you have tons" Niall chuckled the last bit of the sentence.

And then I snapped. "Why the fuck am I here?! What do you want with me you assholes?!"

Louis slapped me across my face hard, like hard enough to break something. "You will not speak to us that way slave!" He shouted.

"S-slave?" I stuttered.

"Yes slave you idiot. You were brought here to clean, cook and things like dispose of the dead bodies and what not" Zayn snapped.

"Body's" I screamed. "Why would there be bodies?"

"Well we need to eat somehow" Niall smiled and all of them left the room leaving me with my thoughts.

Wait if they need body's to eat then, oh god. Vampires!


Heyo hope you liked my first little chapter prologue thingy! If you found anything wrong with the story please tell me!





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