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"Francis? Why are you thinking so hard? I could see the steam coming out of your ears," Alfred spoke, laughing. He came up from behind me and immediately began to try and see what I was writing down. "Well..... I'm trying to figure out how to tell Arthur I have feelings for him... but nothing worked!" I said, frustrated.

"What?..... you still haven't told him yet? I thought the two of you were dating," Ivan suddenly spoke out of nowhere. I nodded, rolled my eyes, and began to mess up my hair. I was already in the club room, and people started slowly walking in.

Ivan and Alfred sat in front of me and began to look at me, writing stuff down. "Any ideas?" I asked them. "Yeah? Just tell him!" Alfred spoke.

I felt a blood vessel pop and was about to lose it.

I stood up glaring at him and had to quickly calm down. "Oh! Why didn't I think of that?...." I said sarcastically. "Yay! you got it!" Alfred cheered. "No, you idiot! I've tried that!" I rolled my eyes.

"Tried what?" Lovino suddenly spoke. He walked in with Ludwig and Feli, and I rolled my eyes again.

"He is trying to confess to Arthur!"Alfred yelled.
"Huh?.... I thought the two of you were together!" Lovino said in disbelief. Listening to his words, I began to facepalm and realized that everyone around me had a loose screw. "Noooo..." I said, annoyed.

"Oh! You should tell him how you feel!" Feli suddenly said with a smile.

That was it...

That right there was my breaking point.

I proceeded to sit back down, and I began to slam my head against the table.

"I..." I slammed my head
"Tried...." I said, slamming my head again and again.

"Well, we have two new members joining us....so maybe you can ask them," Ludwig suggested. I lifted an eyebrow, and everyone began to look shocked. "They are coming right now?" Ivan asked. Feli nodded, and as if it was on time, someone walked in.

"This is Kiku, and my brother Gilbert... he is an ally," Ludwig explained. The two walked in all the way, and I looked at them, they seemed like very nice people. Everyone waved to them, and we started to introduce ourselves.

"So what kinds of things do all of you do here?" Kiku asked. "Well, we talk about current events... We watch news stories, go to protests if there are any, and do fundraisers and a lot of donating to charities... And then when we are goofing off, we usually talk to each other," Ludwig explained. He was the club president and always made sure we were involved.

Kiku and Gilbert took seats beside each other and looked at us quietly. "So what were all of you doing now?" Gilbert asked to break the silence. Everyone began to stare at me, and I immediately began to sink into my chair.

"Francis likes someone but doesn't know how to tell them...." Everyone spoke in unison. Gilbert and Kiku looked at me in disbelief, and I tried to look away. "Why don't you just tell them straight up?" Gilbert lifted an eyebrow.

I closed my eyes hearing that and began to breathe in deeply. "He's tried..." Alfred spoke up. "Well... How did you say it?" Kiku asked. Everyone stared at me once again, and I put my chin on the palm of my hand. "Huh... I said I liked him and it was more than friends... Then he told me how we were best friends," I said sadly.


They all reacted... I looked to Alfred, who said roasted and I was literally about to kill him. "Well?.... I've tried everything... So I'm asking for help," I explained.

"How about saying you love him?" Feli asked. My face turned red, and I shook my head slowly. "I can't....say... that," I said, trying to look away. "What about asking him on a date?" Alfred suggested. "I've tried too... I asked if he wanted to go out, and he said yes..... but he thought it was a friendly outing," I explained.

"Well... what did you do?"
"We went to eat; we walked around town... we watched a movie... it was obviously a date."
"And he said yea?"
"Hmmmmm," Gilbert began to think.

"Damn, he seems kind of an airhead... You should try bringing him by one day. I know most of us have only met him once. You have feelings for him. You never shut up," Alfred began to tease.

"I wouldn't want to bring him around all of you... You'd embarrass me...."
"Francis... You do that to yourself..."
"I get second-hand embarrassment watching you try to talk to Arthur," Alfred began to make fun.

"I know he is always like... Uhhh uh uhhhh nice weather we're having... duhhhh," lovino mocked me. I glared at the two of them laughing and rolled my eyes. "I'm nervous... That's all..." I tried to defend myself. "Just be yourself... and if you want, one of us can try asking him how he feels?" Ivan suggested.

"Oh..... is that even morally right?" I asked, concerned. "Probably not..... but it might make things easier," lovino spoke. "No!! I shouldn't... I want to do this the traditional way," I said seriously.

"Ugh... No wonder you are still a virgin!"
"Hey!!! I've been with people before!!!"
"Have you?"
"Uhhhh..... well...."
"Point proven!" Lovino laughed. I wouldn't say I liked his smart remarks.

Maybe I haven't been with anyone, but I like Arthur a lot and want to be with him. Perhaps even....we could lose our virginity to each other.

I smiled thinking about it, and it only made me more determined to tell him how I felt. "I haven't given up yet!!!" I suddenly stood up, calling out. "So what's the plan?" Ivan asked.

"Uhhhhhh..... I'll bring him by? Maybe he can meet all of you," I suggested. "Sounds good, bro, bro!!" Alfred cheered.

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