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After the meeting I walked back to my dorm and was trying to think of something. For now, I was going to try and invite him to a meeting. Or do something... I don't know..... I'm so stressed out.

The campus was quiet, and I was starting to get a headache from thinking too hard. At least I had my classes tomorrow to worry about. "Francis!" I heard a voice call. I turned in the direction and saw him.....

He was running toward me, and he looked so cute doing it. My eyes widened after finally seeing him all day. "Hey!! Are you going to the dorm?" He asked with a smile. "Y...yes!" I spoke nervously. "Great! Let's walk back together," he smiled.

I felt my face red as I nodded and we slowly walked beside each other. "How was your day?" I asked. "Ahhhh... It was great!! I went to class, had some lunch, studied at the library, and then had a light snack! And you?" He smiled at me.

He looked at me so sweetly that I couldn't help but pinch my fingers to calm me down. "Ahhh... Well I was studying this morning, then I had lunch... Then I had the club meeting," I answered.

"Ahhh, that sounds fun; maybe you can take me one day?"
"What? Really?"
"Yeah! It could be fun!"
"Let's go next week then!" I suggested.
"Okay! Perfect!" He smiled at me.

It suddenly got quiet, and I looked around, but no one was around. This is my chance! I have to say something romantic.

"Hey, Arthur!!" I said stiffly.
"Yes?" He asked, looking at me.
"You know... I think you are really handsome..." I smiled at him. "Hmmm, that was random..... I think you are very handsome too. I wouldn't be able to pull off long hair," he laughed.


I'll hit him with a different one!

"Arthur I-...." I stopped myself as he turned to me and I looked at him. I stopped walking, and he did the same while looking confused. "What's wrong?" He asked. I saw that there was lint in his eyelash. I slowly reached my hand to get it, and it seemed like he had frozen when I got closer.

I slowly picked it off of him and showed him. "Lint...." I laughed nervously. He looked at me with widened eyes and suddenly turned away. Damn... Did I make things weird?

"Thank...you," he said slowly.

When we arrived at our room, we both went to our areas. "Is it alright if I change out here? I don't feel like going to the small restroom," he spoke.

My head nearly exploded, and I froze in place. "S...sure...." I said, turning red. Without giving me a chance to turn, he suddenly took off his shirt. My eyes widened, and I immediately turned away from him. "Sorry! I didn't mean to look," I said nervously.
"Ahhh, we are both guys... I don't care too much," he laughed.

I turned around and smiled at him, but I was starting to think that maybe he didn't feel that way for me. I mean... How can I possibly let myself continue to love a man who can never love me back? I was setting myself up for a broken heart.

I walked over to him, and he leaned against his bed. He looked at me curiously, and I put my arm against his bed. I leaned toward him and used my left hand to brush his hair back. It made his head go back, and I leaned onto him. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously.

"Listen to me very carefully as I say this..." I whispered closer to him. His eyes widened, and his face was starting to warm up. "W...what?"

"I like you, Arthur..... but it's the kind of like where I want you all to myself. As selfish as it sounds..... it's true. It's the kind of like where I'd do anything for you .... And it's the kind of like that I want you to see only me... No one else...."

How much clear could I have been?

"Francis?" He spoke softly. I nodded in response and continued to look him in the eyes. I began to run my fingers through his hair lovingly, and he began to stand up straight. "You aren't selfish for feeling that way..... but I think your friends might be jealous if they found out you put me that high on a pedestal," he laughed.

He didn't understand what I meant.

"Ahhh..... I doubt that would be a problem," I laughed, defeated. I separated from him and began to walk over to my bed sadly. "Going to sleep already?" He asked curiously. "Yeah...." I breathed out.

He said goodnight to me, and I just began to lay in bed, thinking about what else I could do.

I wasn't sure what to do. Maybe I could write him a poem? Or perhaps that is too lame? I turned around to look at him as I lay in bed and was shocked to see him staring back. "What?" I asked, confused as to why he was looking at me suddenly.

He tried to look elsewhere, but I continued to look in his direction. " do you mean what you said earlier?" He asked. I nodded my head, and he began to smile. "You are such a good friend to me... I wish I got lucky with someone like you back home. I can only imagine what type of boyfriend you would be. You'd definitely drive the boys crazy," he laughed.

My smile faded, and I laughed a little at what he said. I never knew it would hurt so much for him to say something like that. It hurt my feelings... I didn't want to be his friend, and I didn't want to drive boys crazy at all.

The only boy I wanted to go crazy was him.....

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