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The next day I couldn't even pay attention during my classes. Maybe I should try meeting other people? I mean, would it hurt to go on a date or two? I looked around the room to see if anyone caught my eye but not really. Hmmm, what about someone from the club?

No....that would definitely be weird.

I continued to think about what to do and didn't notice that class had ended. I suddenly got a notification on my phone and saw it was from Arthur. My eyes widened, looking at the name, and I quickly unlocked my phone.

"Can you meet me in the library?"

I quickly texted him "yes" back and immediately grabbed my things to head there. The library wasn't too far from where I was, so speed walking got me there on time.

I entered the library quietly and began to look around for him. "Where are you?" I texted him. "Basement, in the back," he responded. That was a weird place to meet; I hope he is okay.

I walked down the stairs to the basement and looked around. As he said, I walked toward the back but couldn't find him anywhere.

There was a sudden tap on my shoulder, and I turned around quickly, terrified. "Sorry... Umm... I'm over here," Arthur whispered. I nodded at him and began to follow him into a private cubicle. "What happened?" I asked him. I took a seat on the floor, and he sat beside me.

"Well... I think I recently realized something about myself that I wanted to tell you about..." he whispered. He didn't want to look at me, and I could tell his face was red. I could tell he was nervous about something.

"You can tell me anything," I whispered to him. I reached my hand over and held onto his softly. He took a deep breath and looked at me seriously. "I think I like guys....." he said, red.

My eyes widened, and I felt my heart beat faster. So he liked guys?..... so I still have a chance?

"What made you realize that?" I asked, confused. His eyes widened, and his face was extremely red. "Nothing particular, I had just been thinking about it, and I realized I actually liked guys," he said, looking away. "Oh...." I said slowly. I knew what it was...

"Do you like someone? Romantically? Like you would date them and kiss them?" I said bluntly, so he understood.
"Huh?..... what gave you the idea?"
"Well... You realize it.... That must mean you like someone?" I asked curiously. If he did like someone, maybe I should back off.

I moved my hand away from him and began to laugh a little. He looked at me, confused but I just looked at him smiling. "What is it?" He asked, confused. I leaned in closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. "If you like someone, you should go for it..." I spoke.

"Huh?... I don't -...."
"Come on now..... I know you have feelings for someone... romantically..."
"Just tell them; they would be an idiot not to feel the same," I looked at him and smiled. He tilted his head slightly and gave me the sweetest smile ever.

We both looked each other in the eyes, and I think I was drowning. His eyes were so green and absorbing... I felt myself leaning into him, and I didn't know how to stop.

No! I can't just kiss him without consent! What if he rejects me?

I suddenly stopped leaning in, and I tried to play it off by fixing his hair a little. "You should comb your hair," I laughed, nervously. I wanted to kill myself for doing that.

"Oh... Ahhhh... Ummm, I didn't have much time this morning," he laughed. His face was red, and I knew he wasn't that stupid to understand what I wanted to do.

"Ahhh... was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" I asked. "Mostly just for advice..... I mean, what would you want someone to do for you?" Be asked curiously. "Me?..... ah well..... if I liked them back, I'd want them just to tell me."

"What if they reject me?" He asked, scared. I'd fight anyone who rejected him. "If they reject you..... they must be an idiot. A blind fool who doesn't know any better," I smiled at him.

I began to stand up and I looked at him, "wanna get some lunch with me?" I whispered to him. He began to nod at me slowly and I reached my hand out for him to grab. Moments like this are why I fell so hard for him. It was like we both were on the same wavelength and our connection to each other was strong.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do with all my feelings. When he grabbed my hand, I held it softly and began to pull him out of the area. This is precisely why everyone thought we were together already. We are super close as it is.

"Francis... do you like someone?" he suddenly asked. I suddenly stopped walking, and I looked at him, terrified. My face was hot, and I tried to look away. "Well..... yes...." I said softly. His eyes widened, and he looked like he wanted to know more. "Oh? Do I know them?" He asked.

You are him, idiot!

"Uhhhh... Sort of...do I know who you like?" I whispered. His eyes widened, and he looked away from me. "Yeah.......sort of," he whispered. I understood he didn't want to go into any detail, so I changed the subject.

"Come on, let's go get food," I added. I grabbed his hand softly and began to pull him up the stairs. "Why haven't you told him?" He suddenly asked. I looked at him with a lifted brow and shrugged my shoulders. "Ahhhh... Well, I've tried, but maybe he doesn't get it..." I said.

I was literally talking about him.

"Oh..... well, he sounds dumb..."

Tell me about it...

"Yeah... But it's okay... If it's meant to be, then we will come together at some point," I smiled at him.

Mr. Heartbreaker (Fruk)Where stories live. Discover now