Chapter 14.

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The next morning Harry wakes up in their bed. He actually managed to fall asleep there last night. For the first time since the accident, he could sleep there alone without it feeling like a stab in the chest. Over all he'd been soaring on pink fluffy clouds ever since he got back from Jays place last night. Louis kissed him yesterday, THREE times! Four if you count the one on the cheek, and Harry does. Everything was finally starting to fall into place. Sure, Louis didn't remember, and it still hurts a little. But if this is the next best thing he could get it was the best consolation prize ever.

He lies in bed for a while, just hugging Louis pillow. It doesn't smell like him anymore, but just the knowledge that it's Louis pillow sends sparks all through his body. It seems as though the hungry butterflies in his stomach feeds on that feeling as they grow for each passing day.

When he finally gets up Hera jumps off the bed, excited for food.

"Don't tell your daddy I let you on the bed" he smiles at her

As he's drinking his tea, watching Hera eat her food he can't help but wonder if Louis slept in his bed last night too. He misses him so much already. He picks his phone up, quickly finding his and Louis conversation

Goodmorning Lou, hope you slept well. Good luck on your meetings. Miss you. <3

He puts his phone away, figuring Louis is already busy seeing as it's already 10am.

Who would've ever thought he would get to fall in love with the love of his life all over again. He wouldn't wish this upon anyone, but after he thought he had lost him forever it's the best feeling in the world to get to fall in love again. If amnesia can't break them apart nothing will.

Harry spends the day taking Hera to a park, they haven't been in a while, well since the accident. She gets so excited every time, she absolutely loves everyone and every dog. He's just walking with her while she's carrying a stick when he suddenly hears someone scream behind him

"OH MY GOD! You're Harry Styles!" a girl exclaims and runs up to him as he turns around

"Hello" Harry smiles and gives the girl a hug

"Isn't that Louis dog?" she asks and reaches out to pet Hera

"It is, or we own her together."

"Are you guys still together?"

"You know I can't answer that love." Harry blushes

"Is it true the amnesia made him forget you?"

"I'm sorry, it's not really my place to answer questions about his amnesia."

The girl sighs, clearly frustrated

"I'll let him know you asked though" Harry smiles

"Oh my god, can you tell him I said hi?"

"Absolutely, but I need to get going now love."

"Can I just get a picture before you leave?"

"Sure" Harry smiles

The girl kneels down next to Hera, clearly wanting her in the picture to. 'Cute' Harry thought to himself. Once he'd posed with Hera and the girl for the picture, she thanked him and walked away. Harry spent a while longer in the park, throwing sticks for Hera and just enjoying the weather. It's really starting to get warmer, finally.

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