3 - Tarts!!

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You were walking with Riddle as you'd groan feeling slightly tired as you were hungry too as you'd hug Riddle's leg falling asleep as you had clung onto Riddle's leg.

"Y-Y/N!" He'd look down towards you. "Oh...Your asleep..." He'd sigh as he'd pick you up off his leg as he'd give you a rare smile. 

Trey sighed as he'd look over towards Riddle. "Riddle...? Do you recognize her...?"

Riddle had looked over and nodded as he'd look down towards you in his arms seeing you hug and hugging your Riddle plushie that you had with you.

"Riddle~Chan!!" Spoke up a orange haired male with messy hair.

"What is it Cater..and be quiet! Y/N is sleeping...!" He'd softly snap towards Cater.

"T-Tarts...I wanna eat lots and lots of tarts..." You'd mutter out in your sleep.

"....Y/N...Your hair got in your face.." Riddle had pushed your hair behind your ear as he'd smile towards you. 

"Riddle...What seems to be happaning...Do you reconigze her from somewhere..?" Asked Trey looking towards Riddle.

"....Y/N reminds me of when I was younger...She's so blind to listening to her Mama....So I offered to her to speak about it with her.." Tears were now down Riddle's check.

"I-I'm going to the dorm with Y/N...Trey...Your in charge of showng the new students the school...!" He'd turn around and leave for the hall of mirrors carrying you in his arms.

!" He'd turn around and leave for the hall of mirrors carrying you in his arms

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"Here Y/N...You can sleep on my bed comfortable..." He'd set you down onto his bed as he'd went over to his desk.

".....W-Where's...Plushie..." You'd mutter out as your plushie was no longer in your hands.

Riddle's eyes had widdenned as he'd hear you start crying tears. "....Where did Y/N's Plushie go...?!"  (Spoiler: FLOYD STOLE IT)

You were now crying as you sat up awakening from your sleep as you were now crying tears as Riddle ran over to you and got onto the bed and hugged you.

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