Winter x Kinkajou (Wintajou)

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Idk why I decided to write this.
Bare with me. :)


Winter sighed in confusion, walking into his sleeping cave.
Qibli was reading a scroll in the far side, and looked up as the shiny IceWing entered.

Winter slumped on his ice ledge, grunting and groaning in frustration.
He didn't really want to talk about it, but of course, Qibli set down his scroll and started over.

Winter flicked his icy tail heavily, causing Qibli to flinch.
"What's up? You seem...frosty."

Winter rolled his eyes, not at all amused. "Shut up.I'm fine."

"No, I don't think you are."Qibli squinted. "You look depressed.More than usual."

Winter groaned, sitting up slowly.
"I don't really know, Qibli! I'm trying to work out my feelings for someone right now."
Winter eyes glazed over and he scrunched his wings in tight.

"Winter? Do-do you have a crush!?"Qibli's face lit up in excitement.
He then grinned, causing Winter to blush lightly.

"No! Uhhh-mabye?"

"That's great! I can be your third wheel! I'm super good at that."Qibli nodded his head.

"Look! I don't think this dragon likes me back, OKAY!?"Winter held his talons to his head.

"Who is it?"Qibli blinked, whipping his tail around absently — which Winter found extremely dangerous and irresponsible.

"Uhhhh, I can't tell you."Winter snorted, avoiding eye contact.

"Why not?"Qibli smirked, naming off a couple possibilities in his head.

"You'll tease me beyond existence."
Winter scowled.

"No I won't! I promise!"Qibli blurted, his eyes round and begging.

"Ugh! Fine....."

"I.. I think I like...K-Kinkajou...."Winter closed his eyes, heart beating faster.

"Oh.My.Moons."Qibli breathed.

"How!? Just HOW!? You seem like someone who'd fall for Tsunami, way, way before KINKAJOU!"
Qibli looked exasperated.

"So...can you help me?"Winter looked pathetically at his SandWing friend.

"I suppose,"Qibli smirked. "But, you have to follow my instructions, no matter how stupid or silly they are."

"This is already backfiring."Winter rolled his icy blue eyes.

But, he really didn't have any thing else, so, (reluctantly) he agreed.

- - - Outside Jade Academy - - -

Winter landed beside a small stream, spotting Kinkajou and Moon picking flowers a little ways away.

"Remember the plan?"Qibli whisper-shouted from a near by bush.

"Yeah! Shut up!"Winter scowled.

Winter approached the two females, dipping his head in small greeting.
"Hey, Moon.Kinkajou."

"Hey, Winter! How are you!?"Kinkajou beamed, rocking side to side.

"Hey."Moon smiled softly, placing a buttercup in her pile.

"Moon, Qibli wants you."Winter mumbled.

"He does? Where is he?"Moon looked confused, and worried.

"Jade Mountain.Probably in his cave."Winter shrugged.

"Okay.See you soon, Kinkajou."Moon nodded to her friend, taking off for the looming mountain.

Kinkajou hummed, continuing to pick flowers.

Winter glanced behind him, seeing Qibli giving him the 'do it!' look.

Sighing, Winter cleared his throat, causing Kinkajou to look at him with a raised brow.


"I-uhhh, was just wondering-"he stuttered. "If you, mabye-?"

She gazed at him, confused.
She set down her flowers.

" know that thing where someone likes someone?"

"Friendship?"Kinkajou blinked.

"No....Like, a lot?"Winter chuckled.

"Best friends?"

"No.Like, romantically."Winter shook his head in frustration.

"Ohhhh! A crush?"Kinkajou giggled at her own stupidity.

"Yeah!"Winter nodded.

"Yep! What about them?"

"I....I like you."Winter scowled, finding this very difficult.

"I like you, too, Winter! You're amazing!"Kinkajou grinned.

"No! Like, as in, a crush.I have a crush on you?"Winter gazed at his talons.

Kinkajou said softly, sounding extremely shocked.

" want to go out and see what happens?"Winter closed his eyes.

He felt soft and exposed right then.

"I would love to, actually."Kinkajou held his talons in hers. "I..I've been feeling something different around you lately.I think I just need to explore that and see if we fit together?"

"Really!?"Winter shouted, then cleared his throat. "Really?"

"Yes.When shall we go on our date?"

"Tonight? At nightfall?"Winter suggested.

"Sure.I'll be there."Kinkajou smiled widely, squeezing Winter's talons.

From the bushes, Moon and Qibli cheered together, grins on their snouts.

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