Thorn x Stonemover (Thornmover)

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Thorn landed on Jade Mountain, and strolled inside happily, humming a little tune.Her neck swayed as she did so, and the many necklaces around her neck jangled and jingled.

That's how everyone knew Queen Thorn was stopping through.

Sunny burst out of a classroom, spreading her wings out wide and collapsing into Thorn's chest.
"Mother! I didn't except to see you here!"

"I thought I'd stop by for a small visit!"Thorn exclaimed, squeezing Sunny's talons gently. "How are you?"

Sunny grinned. "Pretty good! I've been helping Starflight and Fatespeaker in the library a lot recently."

"That's great, Sunny! I'm glad my daughter is such a wonderful help to this school."
She then straightened her posture as Sunny backed up some, sitting down.

"So, we still on for next
weekend?"Sunny titled her head, eyes sparking.Her unique tail swung around and she clutched onto it with her front talons.

"Oh course,"Thorn nodded. "You can also bring a friend if you'd like, I quiet like that MudWing friend of yours, and it is an 'all you can eat buffet'."

"Clay would love to come,"Sunny nodded brightly. "But I better ask him today because he might have a date with Peril that day.I'll go ask him, now!"

Sunny gave Thorn one last hug before taking off deeper into the school.

"Daughters."Thorn shook her head affectionately, starting down the hallways again.

Okay, no more distractions. I'll just run quickly to see Stonemover and be gone.

I have queenly business to attend to back home!

She heard a loud gong, and within minutes, dragonets started pouring out of the classrooms.
Picking up the pace, Thorn rounded a corner and screeched to a stop, nearly ramming into a larger IceWing.

The IceWing let out a surprised growl, backing up and ramming into a medium sized SandWing with an unmistakable scar across his nose.

"Qibli!"Thorn smiled, as Qibli grinned at her, talons outstretched to stop Winter from falling over.

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this, Winter is such a clutz."Qibli teased, tightening the IceWing before giving Thorn a big hug.
He buried his face is his adopted mother's neck.

Standing behind the still confused Winter, were Moon, Turtle, Kinkajou, Tamarin and Coconut.

"Hello all! I'm Qibli's mother-"

"Queen Thorn!"they all cheered, making Thorn blush lightly.

Of course they all know me! I'm the queen for Darkstalker's sake!

Qibli pulled back and Thorn inspected him closely.
She ran a claw over his face, then pulled his lips apart to check his teeth.
Then she lifted his wings to check for scars or bruises.Seeing none, she let them go and pecked Qibli on the forehead. "I'm glad you look and feel good, Darling!"

She had always been a bit more protective of Qibli, due to him being adopted; younger and neglected and abused when he was a younger child.

"Have you finally found that special someone?"she whispered with a smirk, gabbing Qibli's side softly with her elbow.

Qibli's face flushed but he gave a small nod.

"Well, it really was good to see you all, but I best be going, I have an important errand I must deal with."she patted Qibli's shoulder, before walking between them all and down the hallway.

"Bye, Mother!"Qibli called.

"Bye, queen Thorn!"everyone else yelped.

Making her way up and into the depths of the mountain, she finally saw Stonemover's cave.
She picked up speed into a sprint as she saw that, hurrying to get there.
She'd already wasted a bunch of time.

"Thorn? Slow down! You'll run into something."Stonemover croaked, his throat sounding sore.

Thorn slowed down, approaching him carefully.It pained her so much to see him like this.He looked so miserable and sick. "Oh, Stonemover...."

She placed her hands on his face, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
"I'm sorry...."

"Don't be,"he mumbled. "I'm fine how I am.It's better for me this way."

"But don't you get lonely?"she laid her head on his, draping a wing over his stoney body.

"I when the dragonets of Jade Mountain to keep me company.I get visited at least once a day."
he smiled weakly, slowly holding out a talon for her to hold.

"I just- I love you so much- and....I don't want you to have to be like this..."she sniffled.

"It's alright, my love.....It's all right.."he rumbled, squeezing her talon with all the strength he had.

She nodded slowly. "Well, I got asked out by Smolder.."

"Smolder? Ugh, that rust-bucket."Stonemover muttered under his breath.

He then smiled. "That's wonderful, Thorn.You should say yes."

"But I love you! Not him! Well, I mean- he is kind of cute, and really nice to me- but- I can't leave you!"
Thorn sobbed.

"Look, Thorn.I know you love me.I love you in return.But don't waste time on me: a dragon who can't move.I'll never be able to love you like Smolder can.
He's a younger, energetic, lovable kind of dragon.You can't let this opportunity go to waste."

Thorn gave another small nod. "Thank you, Stonemover.I really do love you, though."

She bent her head down and pecked him on the nose, then stood up straight, wiped all her tears away, and strode strongly toward the exit.

She turned around once more, feeling Stonemover's eyes on the back of her head. "Oh, and Stonemover?"

"Hm?"he chuckled.

"I'll never forget you."she smiled sadly.

"Nor will I, my queen.Nor will I."

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