Asterlet 2

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Asteroid let out a grunt, the obnoxious chirping of the morning birds causing her to let out another groan of frustration.

"Shut up, birds,"she mumbled, shoving her face deeper under her fluffy feather pillow.

"Morning, Aster!"Auklet sang, opening the door of the bedroom and poking her head in. "Time to get uuuuppp!"

"Ugh- ten more minutes~"Asteroid groaned.

"Nope, you said that twenty minutes ago, come on!"Auklet giggled, hurrying over and dragging her girlfriend out of bed.

Once seated at the table, they both started chowing down on fruit and fish.
Asteroid passed Auklet a mackerel, and Auklet passed Asteroid a juicy cantaloupe.

"That was delicious,"Auklet mused, licking her lips after she'd finished. "What now?"

Asteroid looked up, watermelon juice dripping off her chin. "Ummm- imma finish this, then we can go for a walk around town?"


They'd moved in together in the hut across from Leafy's in the RainWing village, since it was more likeable to Asteroid, and Auklet didn't mind.

Once she'd finished, they walked out of the hut and down the streets, waving at little dragonets, helping pick up fruit that was rolling away, etc.

"Look, Auky!"Asteroid pointed over to a shop that was shelling seashells.

"Oooh! Let's go look, Aster!"Auklet grasped her girlfriend's wrist and pulled her along, both of them giggling merrily.

"Hello, hello! What can I do for you on this bright and sunny day, hm?"
The dragon at the shop asked.
He was clearly a hybrid, probably a SeaWing/RainWing one, as he had the webbed talons and chin wiggle thing, but also the slimmer face like a RainWing, and the body shape of one.
He was a warm cyan colour, with specks of blue and green mixed around in the wings and underbelly. He had somehow made a name tag and pinned it on his horn, which read: Solstice.

"Hey, Solstice,"Asteroid smiled. "We're here to get Auklet some shells, since she misses her home sometimes."

"Of course! Take a look around the table! The bigger the shell, the less expensive it is, just to let you know."Solstice explained.

Auklet nodded, begging to scan the large table with round, excited eyes.
Asteroid found it adorable how she could be so interested in sea shells.

"Why not go back to it?"
It took Asteroid a minute till she realized he was talking to her about Auklet.

"Huh-? Oh! Well, I-She said she liked it here, with me, so-"

"You're a couple?"Solstice assumed.

Asteroid nodded.

"I get it, then,"he sighed, eyes suddenly sad and lonely. "I used to have a lover.A SandWing.The SandWing kingdom was no place for me to live, though, and he refused to come live in, I quote, "The sticky, moist JuNgLe~"
So he decided we would stay together, but live in different kingdoms.I knew deep down it would never work,"he paused, breathing deeply. "We fell away from each other.When I went to visit him after two weeks of not seeing him...he...he was cheating on me with another guy...I was heartbroken..I confronted him and he said that it was because I didn't love him.I had always loved him, still do.He was just frightened by the knowledge that I knew he was a stupid, low-life cheater."
Solstice gritted his teeth, talons shaking in anger and grief.

"Well, that's terrible!"Auklet whimpered, walking behind the table to pat his arm. "It makes me sure that Asteroid and I will stick together forever.Our love is strong."

Solstice chuckled softly. "I hope so, you seem like two, nice, strong young women.I trust that through everything and anything, you help and love each other.The way I didn't with my ex."

Asteroid was so overwhelmed with emotion, that she nudged Auklet and asked if they could go home.

"Yeah, sure, Ast-"

"Wait! Take two shells, for free,"Solstice said quickly, glancing around to make sure no one heard. "For listening and comforting me, please, take a shell each.On me."

Auklet and Asteroid shared a look.
Then they both reached over and took a shell.Auklet took a small, glossy pink one with tiny blue specks on it, and Asteroid took a large blue one, with tiny pink specks on it.

Auklet and Asteroid got some money out of their pouches and placed it on the table. "It's a tip, for being amazing, even after what happened."they whispered, then, wrapped in each other's wings, they walked home.


"I feel really good, Aster."Auklet sighed, flopping down on their nest bed. "Making Solstice happy was really fun."

Asteroid laid down beside her girlfriend. "Yeah, I like making others happy, it's a wonderful feeling."

"You wanna know who makes me happy?"



"You make me happy, too, Love."

Auklet smiled, gazing into Asteroid's eyes, talons grasping the hybrid's.They were shaky and cold.

"You still get nervous around me?"Auklet giggled softly.

"Yes,"Asteroid mumbled shyly. "How can I not?"

"Don't me shy,"Auklet whispered, pressing a soft kiss onto Asteroid's snout. "I love you."

"Love you, too."

"I know."

I have a lot of requests to work on(okay, technically only three more), and wasn't feeling motivation.

This is what you get, hope you like it! <333

-Leaf/y 💚

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