Flame x Viper(Fliper)

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"Come on guys, don't be wimps,"Morrowseer's harsh, raspy voice snarled, swiping his tail so quickly, Flame was nearly tossed over his talons. "Just fight already!"

"Alright, alright, old man!"Viper snapped, whirling by.She was lunging at Fatespeaker when her tail accidentally raked across Flame's snout.

He let out a screech of pain, knocking into her and sending her flying.
He clutched his muzzle, poison immediately flooding his senses.
He started to feel lightheaded, and Morrowseer let out a shocked growl.He came barreling over, knocking Viper into the lava. "FLAME!"

"V-Viper!?"Flame gasped, spotting her head.Her eyes were stretched wide with horror and agony as she sunk into the lava, the cruel, boiling liquid bubbling up around her neck.

Without thinking, Flame shook off the pain on his snout and was following her into the lava.He closed his eyes and grasped her talon in his as her head went under.He pulled up with all his might, aware of the lava spurting onto his wings and causing holes to form.
Viper, you'll be okay! I promise!

He surged upward once more, dragging them both out of the lava.Then everything went dark and Flame was unconscious.


Flame blinked his eyes blearily, lifting his head.His head ached and his scales felt like they were on fire, yet frozen at the same time.He gazed around at the room, frowning as he noticed it was the medic hut in the Rain Forest.

"Flame? You're awake?"Viper said quietly.She was laying on her side staring at him with slitted eyes.
Her whole body up until her neck was covered in cold bandages.

"Y-you're alive? I thought the lava would've burned you."Flame mused, going cross-eyed to stare at his snout.It had an ugly scar across his, from Viper's tail.

"You saved me,"Viper cracked a small smile. "Remember? I can't believe I'm saying this, but....Thank you, Flame.Because of you both of us are alive still."

"I don't....?"Flame scowled.Between the pain in his head and the pain in his entire body, he wasn't quite understanding what she was saying.
"S-sorry, what?"

"I'd hug you if I could, but that wouldn't be ideal for either of us, I believe."Viper rolled her eyes.

"Ehh, words are good enough."Flame chuckled lightly. "But seriously, it was nothing. "I'm sure you would've done the same for me."

"I'm not actually sure about that.I don't know what you did saved me, but I think it had something to do with your feelings for me.I return them, but I don't know if I would've saved you."Viper frowned.

"What feelings?"Flame's face heated up. "I don't know what you're talking about.I don't like anyone."

"Fatespeaker told me you have a crush on me,"Viper pointed out dryly.

"So? That means nothing."Flame grumbled.

"Don't lie to me, you're not fooling anyone."Viper hissed.

"Fine, I might like you.But so what if I do?"Flame huffed, shifting.His body felt cooler already, but his bones were still sore.

"Once we're fixed up, I'll hug you, don't worry."Viper snorted.

"Hmm, sure."Flame gazed into her eyes. "Of course."

A/N: @Derriquethefreak , I am so, SO sorry about this, I kinda forgot! It felt the need to post it, so I didn't have much time to work on it.This is what I could come up with.

Anyways, hope you sort of liked

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