"Stealthy Challenges." - 13

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Reader POV

As we continued on our journey towards Coumarine city. We stopped so that Ash could do some training. Whilst we were watching them, a young boy, around our age was floating in the water on a greninja, both of them looked badly injured. 

"Floette, Use aromatherapy!" I released my pokemon from its pokeball so that it could heal the hurt greninja. When they started to come around I put Floette back in its pokeball.

"Ash, it's been a while." The boy seemed to know the team, apart from me. "Thank you Bonnie, Serena and Clemont."

The kid then looked at me and smiled. He got up and shook my hand. His voice was very calming.

"And you are?" He asked.

"Y/n." I replied. "Its a pleasure." 

"Sanpei, and thanks for helping us out back there." The boy, Sanpei, thanked me.

"Anytime." I giggled. "Anyways, how did your greninja get poisoned?"

"We were attacked." A loud voice suddenly came behind us and a man in a funny mask jumped out with a huge Barbaracle. 

"Barbaracle, use Razor shell!" The man said, froakie jumping in using scratch. We were then whisked away by Sanpei's ninja abilities.

I fell to the floor in exhaustion, the group then started to talk about some sort of scroll, however I was only focussed on getting to Coumarine city. And apparently we were now going to help Sanpei get to the place where he was to deliver this scroll. 

"That settles it, we're all going then." I said.

"Let's get going!" We all began to walk towards the cliff face. Clemont had created a genius contraption to confuse Sanpei's pursuers.

As we reached the top of the cliff, Sanpei grew increasingly anxious. This was at the fact that the way we were supposed to go was blocked off, and the only other way was extremely risky. 

"C'mon guys! We can do it!" Bonnie boosted the morale.

"I agree. All of this is particularly thrilling." I jumped off of the rock I was sat on and looked at the map. "If we go this way, although Its risky, we can go through this cave to get to where we need to go." 

As we walked we had to go across a really thin bridge, which Clemont, Serena and I ended up falling off of it. I just barely managed to grab Clemont's hand in time.

"Wow! That was exhilarating!" I screamed in pure excitement as we were hoisted back towards the cliff face. 

We then had to go into the cave, that was an absolute nightmare, as we stumbled into a golbat den. I didn't realise it but I was split up from the group, but I ended up being with Ash and Sanpei. However the thrill didn't last long as the funny masked ninja pounced on us. I chuckled at his stupidity.

"Bhaha!" I burst out laughing. Everyone turned to me. "This is so funny! I really can't believe this middle aged man is playing along so well!"

"How dare you!" The ninja man shrieked. "Barbaracle! Use Razor shell!"

"Swablu! Centre stage!" I tossed Swablu's pokeball up in the air and it burst out with beauty. "Use Solar beam!"

Before Swablu could even charge the move, the barbaracle used its razor shell to fling my precious pokemon into the side of the wall. I ran towards my swablu and saw its feather floof was covered in dust.

"YOU BRUTE!" I shouted. I was so incredibly angry. "FLOETTE! USE RAZOR LEAF!"

Just as I chucked floettes pokeball out, I noticed something peculiar with the move. They "leaves" that it was sending forward weren't leaves, they were petals. I instantly knew what it meant.

"That was petal blizzard!" I cheered. I put swablu back in its pokeball and joined in the battle with Ash and Sanpei.

After the battle had ended, I witnessed a spectacular sight. Ashes' froakie evolved into a frogadier. We were also told to go find the manor house to deliver the scroll. 

After we had done that, I saw the others and I ran towards them. However the masked Ninja man from before appeared in front of me. I fell flat on my ass in fright. 

"Im just playing with you." He offered me a hand but I refused. I instead Low sweeped his feet, just for him to fall flat on his ass. I got up and dusted myself off. Everyone looked at me in shock.

"What? Do I have meowstic ears or something?" I asked. They pointed behind me. I turned around and saw a tall man, who looked pretty cute, stare at me.

"That was quite a low sweep Y/n." The man smirked. I anticipated his next move, he extended his hand out to shake it, but I knew he was going to flip me over. So, I just did a back handspring into a front split. "Even thinking one step ahead. You'd make a good ninja if I say so myself.

"I already have my dreams set out, but if they change, you'd be the second person to know." I sassily replied.

As the sun began to set, we now needed to say goodbye to Sanpei and his master. However we managed to pull through, and continue on our journey towards Coumarine city.


Thanks for reading this chapter!


Word count: 874

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