"Unlocking some respect"- 42

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Hey all can't wait for you all to read this chapter! It's been in the making for quite a while and I haven't been able to finish it. Hope you don't mind that haha.


Reader POV

As the group had come together after the holiday season, we had decided to swiftly continue our journey towards Gloirre City. However, I had read ahead on this town and had come across some interesting information.

"You guys!" I shouted, running in front of them and showing them my device. "We need to see this right now!"

On my device, it displayed a beautiful diamond that was being exhibited in a nearby hotel. We had all agreed to spend some time there before we went to the pokemon centre to stay the night. I was exited, this diamond was extremely rare and expensive, and was said to have been made in the same cave that the mythical Pokemon Diance lives.

At the hotel, we had gotten to the counter and asked to see the diamond however the response we got was.

"I'm extremely sorry sir, however the diamond exhibit is closed at the moment, however you are free to come back in the morning." The receptionist replied.

"Do you have a room we can stay in?" Ash stood forward.

"Why yes we do, however as the room is quite small we will need to split you up into two rooms." The receptionist gave us our keys and we had proceeded to make our way to our rooms.

"Clemont, Y/n and Ash, and then us two?" Bonnie asked. We nodded in agreement shortly before a loud alarm started blaring out a siren.

"I think that's our que to check it out." Ash started running towards the sound of security guards shouting.

From what I had gathered, someone had tried to take the diamond. However when we got there, the perpetrator was still there, standing on the roof, he threw his card on the floor. I thought it was quite a funny act, and I couldn't hold in my laughter.

"Oh my Arceus! Clemont! Aren't you enjoying the show?" I held onto his shoulder, my laughter echoing in the walls of the grand atrium.

"I am no joke!" He shouted before running away.

After the incident Officer Jenny was called to help out and gather the information behind the attempted robbery. We had described what had happened and how I thought it was funny. I was lectured by Jenny for laughing at the matter.  Soon after, we were introduced to Ed, the man who made the lock that was attached to the case the Diamond was in. It was rather strange that the lock was the only thing that was broken, the diamond was still there and in pristine condition.

"Thats one of my locks." Ed sighed.

"You made that lock? Thats awesome." I smiled. "Oh! How rude of me for not introducing myself. My name is Y/n." 

We had all went down in the line introducing ourselves. Ed had brushed us off and we were swiftly ushered out of the atrium. However I noticed something, it was a hand, but not human. 

"Oh, hello there." I chuckled, looking down at the small pokemon. It jumped on my head and gave me a bit of a fright, Clemont tried to peel it off of me however was unsuccessful and got a double slap to the face. "I believe your a Binacle, however you are missing your rock." 

The pokemon seemed to be demanding something. However Ed appeared and started a barrage of insults at the pokemon.

"Righty! Get of that boys head right now! Its no use looking for the likes of Locke!" Ed shouted. He tried to grab on to the pokemon but I moved back so he couldn't get it.

"Thats not how you treat pokemon, I thought you would know better." I replied. 

Ed sighed and began to tell the story about his apprentice, who he had trained and taught how to pick locks, however he left with lefty and never returned. It was quite sad but I couldn't blame the apprentice for leaving due to the way he was treated by the old man.

Ed had agreed to let us take care of Righty for the night, and in the morning we would search for lefty and the apprentice. I had given Righty to Bonnie so that I was able to search thoroughly in the morning.

In the morning we had agreed to split up the search, I was going solo as the others had paired up, I didn't mind as I wanted some time to myself to think about the upcoming finale of the Showcases for the year.

As I was walking I saw a man with a white cape, in front of him were two pokemon, they used their moves and accidentally exploded a power generator, causing a fire to break out. The inferno grew extremely strong in a matter of seconds.

"Simipour! Use Hydro pump and extinguish the fire!" I threw Simipour's pokeball out and it immediately used Hydro pump, however the flames grew too big. Just them I heard.

"Greninja! Use water Shuriken!" Ash and the others appeared and began to help.

"Your Locke am I right?" I asked. He nodded. "We need you to get in there and help those pokemon!"

"Right, I'll do as best as I can. But I need to get to the door!" He said.

"Leave that to us!" Ash and I replied.

"I'll need all hands on deck! Meowstic use Psychic! Simipour use Blizzard!" I tossed Meowstic's pokeball out.

As Locke reached the door the inferno grew stronger. 

"Righty! Use Water gun quick!" I instructed the Binacle, which sat on Bonnie's head.

Locke managed to get in the building but the door was melted shut afterwards. As the Fire department arrived, so did Ed, who helped unlock the door from the outside. 

After the fire subsided my whole team was absolutely frazzled. We ended up getting thanked by Ed for reuniting him with Locke. 

And with that said, we were once again pressing on to Gloirre City, the end of my goal was near however the journey was not completed yet.


Hope you don't mind the late postage of this one! Just been real busy lately! Hope you had amazing Christmases and New years!


Word count: 1035

Kalos King- Pokemon XYZ x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now