"Horrifying Hospitality." - 22

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Reader POV

It was incredibly dark, and eerily cold. Ash thought it was a good idea to travel through one of the most prolific routes for ghost sightings in the Kalos region and home to the ever infamous Scary House. Clemont pointed out a swing set that we had passed earlier. A breeze quickly graced over the swing set, moving it ever so slightly. Clemont jumped out of his skin and hid behind me.

"Chill out Clemont." I chuckled.

We continued to walk until we came across a clearing. On it, stood a decrepit looking mansion. A sudden flash of lightning jolted us all to get into the house, which was coincidently open. Inside was a man, who invited us in due to the cold weather and heavy rain, which drenched all of us. He offered us some towels, it was strange to think that there was exactly enough towels for us. I had an inkling that Clemont had noticed it too. We then had to do some introductions. The man introduced himself as Lon.

"You must be Y/n. I've heard people in town talk about you and your pokemon performance." Lon shook my hand. "That day must haunt over you like ghosts in a cemetery." 

I sighed and retreated towards the back. I couldn't help but think about all of the people who saw my flop of a performance. Lon then invited us for dinner. There were exactly 5 plates for us, and our chairs were pulled out for us. I was at the head of the table, which wasn't too unusual for me. But I noticed that Lon wasn't eating anything.

"Lon? Do you not have anything to eat?" I asked from across the table.

"Oh no my dear boy. I ate earlier." He responded. It made me question the fact that although he ate dinner, he still made another dinner for a perfect 5. He looked at my plate and stuttered. "Now come on, eat up or you'll get sick!"

After eating the delicious dinner, Lon decided to let us stay the night. As we walked through the corridor, Clemont spoke up.

"We shouldn't let our guard down. I've noticed things you haven't." He said.

"I agree." I started. "How come Lon made enough dinner for 5 after he had eaten? It doesn't make sense!" 

"He could've just made extra." Serena chuckled.

"Not enough to feed 4 hungry teenagers and a hungry kid?" I remarked.

Lon next sat us down and told us the story behind the Scary house, it was truly terrifying. In all honesty, I'd rather sleep outside in the rain than in this hellhole. Within seconds, the walls and pictures started to shake on the walls and some even fell off.

"Nah, fuck this." I shouted, getting up and running towards the door. It was odd, because I felt an immense pressure which threw me back onto my seat on the sofa. "Maybe not then..."

Clemont ended up getting his science gear on and decided on searching for the paranormal perpetrators. We searched the hallway, and all hell broke loose. There was activity everywhere! And of course Serena had to mention about all of the other ghosts surrounding us. Within seconds, Clemonts gear was taken away from him and into a room. I ran into the room to get the stuff back. I was hit by that same force, however it was throwing me around the room like a ragdoll. 

"Help me!" I screamed. "I am being tossed around here!" 

The others managed to identify the pokemon, A ghastly, Haunter, Gengar and a Banette. I was then released by the banettes grasp. I hid in the back with bonnie, but before we could even speak, we were dropped by a trapdoor and ended up in a basement room. I managed to cushion Bonnie's fall. 

"I can't do this anymore." I chuckled in fear. Bonnie reassured me. We tried to open the door but it was rusted shut. 

"We're here now guys!" I heard Clemonts voice.

"Don't bother trying to get in, the door's sealed shut!" I shouted.

"If it's sealed shut, Use Pampour's Ice beam and then acrobatics!" I was instructed.

"Alright! Pampour! Use Ice beam on the door!" I released Pampour from its pokeball, it then used the Ice beam as instructed. "Now get the door down with Acrobatics!"

Pampour moved so fast, I couldn't keep track of it. But the execution of breaking the door was amazing. We were out in no time. I then kept Pampour rested on my shoulder. When we returned Lon had noticed a journal that Clemont was holding. Clemont then read it aloud. What we heard next was truly terrifying. A page fell out of it, it was a picture of a boy, who looked remarkably like Lon. Lon had identified the photo as being him, which was extremely shocking. Bonnie flipped the page and noticed the date.

"It says it was written over 200 years ago!" I shouted.

"Ah yes! Its all coming back to me now..." Lon ominously giggled. 

"What do you mean?" Ash asked.

"Do we want to know?" I panicked.

"You see... I'm not quite alive." Lon casually said.

The screams that we all let out were terrifying, blood-curdling, and loud. Due to the intense scare, we all blacked out.

It was strange, because we all woke up from what seemed like a night of horror. We were once again walking past that swing set, but it was now the day. 

"Arceus! I had the worst dream last night!" I rubbed my head in confusion.

"We did too!" The others added.

"About a house, and an old man?" I asked.

"Yeah!" We all became uneasy.

"Truly, truly. That was some horrifying hospitality." I chuckled. We looked over the hill and saw Laverre City. I knew what was on the horizon for me, and I was extremely excited. Valerie, the first ever Fairy type gym leader in the whole of the world.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Word count: 984

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