They Got Him.

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    "LISTEN UP YOU FRESHMEN FUCKS!" I heard a voice come from outside the school building. I rushed to the window alongside my best friend, Mitch Kramer, to investigate. Me and Mitch have been best friends since the 5th grade and now we're going to high school together. Everyone at school thought we were dating I swear. "Blakey and Mitchell!"they would all shout. Everyone always tells me how big of a thing he has for me but I don't believe them. I mean, we've been friends this long how has he not already told me?

I was kinda clueless to be honest. I was the younger sister of Randy 'Pink' Floyd. I spent a lot of time with him and his friends, them all seeing me as a younger sister in the group rather than a dumb kid. It was heaven to me after all. Getting free beer and joints whenever I wanted, going to parties, and I basically had a older sister/best friend, Michelle, Kevin Pickford's girlfriend.

    "What the hell look at this shit B..?" Mitch said to himself, opening the blinds to look outside, as I did the same. "Benny O'Donell." I told him, rolling my eyes.

    "It's your lucky day! Usually you'd be spending your summer getting your asses busted and running for your worthless little lives. But this year, because we feel so sorry for you...we're gonna take it easy on you...and spend ourselves a whole lotta time." He continued.

    "What an ass!" I exclaimed. "So if you meet right here, after school today, you'll not get one lick from each of us. But if you run Ike cowards...welp....its open season all summer long boys."

    Just as I was about to walk away from the window, Benny said something catching my attention once more.

    "Oh yeah! Mitch Kramer? Mitchie! Mitchie, Mitchie, Mitchie!" He teased him, laughing, making Mitch shut the blinds immediately. "We're looking for you pal! Your ass will be purple before the day's over! Have a nice afternoon." He finished, kissing the microphone he had in his hands.

    We all walked away from the window, while Mitch's other buddies were laughing their asses off. His friend, Carl, even told him to spend the summer with his grandparents. "What should we engrave his tombstone?" "Ben Dover!" His other friends teased him, laughing.

"Why aren't they after anyone else?" Mitch asked, turning to me, pinching the bridge of his nose like he always did. "Oh trust me, they are." I replied, wide eyed. "5 bucks says your sister told them something." I said slightly giggling. "You're ri-" Mitch was just about to say before we were interrupted by our friend dangling his keys in the doorway of the class room.

"Got his brothers car!" Carl said with a dumb grin on his face. "Go talk to him." Carl told Mitch, nodding at the teacher. "I'm not going alone." Shrugged Mitch. "Don't be such a sissy. I'll go with you." I said.

"Um, Mr. Payne...every second you let us out of this classroom would increase our chances of survival." I told him. "It's  just like our sergeant told us. MEN!" Mr. Payne shouted, causing me and my best friend to jump in our places. he continued going on some rant, comparing his war days to why we couldn't get out of class 5 minutes early. "Okay...." We both said turning on our heels back towards our desk.

Before we knew it, the bell was ringing and we were darting out of the building to the car. When we made it to the car, a black pickup passed us, before backing right back up greeting us with smiles and one thing the boys did not wanna see. Paddles.

"Oh shit!" The boys said, while taking off. We were in some kind of movie chase, me and Mitch watching the truck behind us through the black window. "Just drop me off at my house!" Carl shouted. "You still with me?"  He asked. "Yeah! Blakes coming with us though!" He shouted back at him.

When the car pulled up to Carl's we dashed to the door. Before we could make it inside, O'Bannions jumped out of the car chasing after us. He finally caught up to us and told each of the boys to grab a pole. "Little Pink, what are you doing hanging out with these dickweeds? Move aside." He asked me. I rolled my eyes and as I was walking to the side of the boys, Carl's mom swung the door open, pulling a shotgun on O'Bannion's ass."

We finally went in the house while Carl's mom scared him off. "Oh and Carl, Mitch? We'll be seeing each other around." He said before walking off, the boys sticking their heads out of the door. "Oh  I'm gonna-" He tried to yell at us before we slammed the door back in his face.


I took a seat in the bleachers at the baseball fields. I was always at all of Mitch's games, since his parents never came. "Swing batter!" I heard Benny O'Donnell yell at Mitch alongside his other dumb friends, just as Mitch was about to pitch. After the batter had 2 strikes, the boys started to yell even more. "C'mon!! Better get him out or we'll  beat your ass twice as hard!!" They joked with him making me roll my eyes.

I  looked down at Mitch and he looked at me. I looked at the boys and then back at Mitch, shaking my head, then giving him a reassuring thumbs up. He threw the ball and the umpire called "STRIKE THREE! BALL GAME!" The crowd cheered and as I went to rush down to the dugout to congratulate Mitch I watched him go through the right field gate, O'Bannion and his boys meeting him at the gate.

"Oh shit." I muttered to my self, running over to them. Before I could make it to them O'Bannion as already slamming his paddle on Mitch's ass. "Hey you shit heads! Knock it off!" I yelled at them but they didn't care. I sat there and watched in horror. Those complete bastards have nothing else to do. When they were finally done with there shit they looked at me while I rushed over to him.

"Next time you should keep better watch over your little boyfriend Blakey!" Dawson yelled at me. "Shut it you fucking bastard!" I yelled at him as they laughed and walked away.

"Mitch! Are you okay? I'm really sorry I didn't make it over sooner." I apologized to him, wrapping my arms around him, trying to uncover his face, as he was still bent over the car. Suddenly, he turned his body around and fell into me, crying softly. "Oh..Mitch I-"

I was kind of overwhelmed  by his actions. I mean...yeah me and Mitch were as best of friends as you could get but we were never touchy. In fact, I don't think I've ever really hugged him. 

We stayed in a hug before he stopped crying and my older brother approached us. "Hey what's going on?" Randy asked us. "They got him." I told him. "Those dickheads. You need a ride home?" He asked him. "Yeah, I think they left me." He said pulling away from me and pointing at the field. We all climbed in the car and rode to Mitch's house.

"Bye Mitch!" "See ya B!" We told each other.

"Invite him  to the party. He'd be way more excited to know that an actual senior invited him." I told my brother after Mitch got out the car. "Hey!" He yelled catching my best friends attention.

"Pickford's party got cancelled tonight and me and the guys we'll prolly end up driving around, maybe going to the emporium.  Wanna come?" He asked him. " you think that's a good idea?" He said skeptical. "'ll show them that even though they got you, you don't care!" He reassured him. "Then yeah...sure! You going Blake?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!" I shouted, peeking over my brother. "We'll pick you up at 8!" I told him.  "K!" He said waving at us, walking up his porch.

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