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    When we got to the Moontower, it was a huge party. I climbed out of the car, grabbing Mitch's hand so we wouldn't lose each other. We headed over to the keg and got some beer.        
    "Hey we're going to the top of the Moontower! C'mon!" Pink yelled at me and Mitch. "Why not." I said, looking at Mitch.

    The two of us began climbing up the tower. "Why's it called the Moontower anyway?" Mitch asked me while we climbed up. "I guess they just decided to put it out here when they were building the power plant. I mean it's pretty cool, you get a full moon every night of the year when you come up here." I told him.

    "Yeah but nothing's ever been repaired so this whole place could fall down at any minute. So you better watch your step Junior!" Pickford warned Mitch. "Woah!!!" He yelled pretending to fall back. "Oh, cut it Pick." I said shaking my head and rolling my eyes, jokingly.

    "This place used to be off limits man cause some drunk freshman fell off. Fell down the middle whacking his head on every beam man. I hear it doesn't hurt after the first few tho. Autopsy said he only had one beer. How many have you had?" Slater questioned Mitch. "Four." Mitch scoffed. "You're dead man! You're so dead!" Slater continued.

    I laughed at the boys stupid remarks trying to scare Mitch. "Look at the blood stains right there!" Slater said, pointing at a random beam. "Shut up." Mitch said, chuckling.

    When we finally made it to the top, Mitch and I sat down, dangling our feet off the edge. "Look at how dead this town is. I wonder how many people are fucking right now man." Slater said, pointing at the town. "Just going at it." He finished.

    I giggled, along with Mitch and turned my head towards him. "Mitch..?" I asked him. "Yeah?" He questioned back. " are we now?" I was nervous to ask the question, but I was pretty drunk and high so the words just naturally slipped out. "Well...what do you want to be?" Mitch asked me. I paused for a minute before looking in his eyes and kissing him. The kiss felt so natural, like before. It was almost like our mouths were two puzzle pieces searching for each other.

    "Your girlfriend." I said. "Then you can be my girlfriend." Mitch said, smirking. I could tell how drunk he was, as so was I.

    After about 20 seconds of sitting in silence, it was broke my Mitch's yelling. "I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" He yelled into the sky raising his hands up. Everyone on the tower cheered and laughed.

    We climbed down and Mitch and I walked around for a minute. After exploring the area for a little we noticed a crowd of people standing around, yelling. Two guys were fighting. One of them looked about my brothers age and the other looked like he was like thirty.

    We laughed and walked away, hopping on top of a car hood. "Look at your boy Kramer! And your sister!" Melvin, my brothers friend, yelled at Pink. "Kramer!!" The boys yelled at him from afar.

    Mitch just waved and they broke into laughter. They motioned for him to come over there and he did. "It's probably just my brother warning you what will happen if you mess it up with me. Go over there for a minute, I'm not going anywhere I promise." I reassured him giggling.

    "So tell me gonna be fucking that later or are you too chicken?" Melvin asked, nudging Mitch. "Hey man!" Pink said hitting Melvin. Mitch was too drunk to even know what he was talking about. "How do you know I already haven't?" He asked. The boys all broke into laughter. "Run along little boy! I think it's passed your bedtime. Run along!" Melvin laughed, pushing Mitch back towards me.

    "What was that about?" I giggled at Mitch, as he put his hand out, helping me off the hood of the car. "Oh nothing, just being assholes." He responded.

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