I Think I Like You.

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I went through my whole closet before finding something to wear. I ended u picking out what I usually wear just with a little flare. I'm wearing my bell bottoms I had been wearing all day, paired with a cute flowy blouse, tied at the bottom showing my belly button, and my little wedges.

When I was finishing up my hair I heard a knock at my door. "Hey sis you ready?" I heard Pink ask from outside my door. "Yea I'll be out in a sec!" I called back. "I'll be in the car with Wooderson!" He said before walking away.

We pulled up to Mitch's house and I ran up to the door and knocked.

"Oh hell there Blake!! It's so nice to see you!" Mrs. Kramer greeted me before pulling me into a bear hug. She pulled away, turning around and calling for Mitch.

"Hey B!" He said walking out the door giving him mother a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun! Be home by 12!"  She shouted, waving at my brother in the car and then shutting the door. "You won't be home at 12 will you?" I asked him, walking down his lawn. "Hell no!" He responded. "I'm just gonna have a fun night, and deal with the consequences later." He finished, shrugging his shoulders. I laughed as he opened the back door for me.

"What's going on man?" Pink asked Mitch while we both climbed in the back seat. "Nothing much man...nothing much." He responded. "Nice car!" Mitch exclaimed. "You know Wooderson right?" I asked my best friend. "Uh..yeah!" He told me. I knew he was lying but I thought it was cute. I don't know why. But I did.

"Say man...you got a joint?" Wooderson asked Mitch turning around to look at him, before redirecting his eyes at the road. "Uhm..no..no not on me man." He replied. "It sure would be a lot cooler if you did." Wooderson continued, making me giggle a little, knowing Mitch had never smoked before.

We made it to the Emporium before I felt a hand tap my thigh. "Hey....you sure I'm okay in here?" Mitch asked me. I  was kinda taken aback by his movements, making me blush slightly.

Why was I feeling this way about my best friend? Do I like him? No. No I can't he's my bestfriend. Plus, even if I did like him, he wouldn't like me back.

I pushed away my thoughts and answered Mitch's question, "Yea! Yea you're cool in here man. If anyone messes with you just play it cool. They all think of me as a little sister and they protect the shit out of me. If I tell them you're with me they won't do anything." I said shaking my head.

The four of us walked into the Emporium and went over to the pool tables. A girl with short hair walked over to my brother, saying hey to him, before she looked over at Mitch with a flirty look. "This is my little sister, Blake, and her bestfriend, Mitch." Pink introduced us to the girl. "Ohhhh. I heard about you." She said pointing at Mitch. He jumped up, kind of....excited. "Really? What'd you hear?" He said smirking. "I don't know...how's your ass?" She told him, giggling along with my brother. "Oh...." Mitch said, looking down at his shoes. "Oh fuck off!" I told her rolling my eyes, grabbing Mitch's wrist and heading out to the front.

"Blake, what the hell?" Mitch asked me, ripping his wrist from my hand. "She was being a bitch! 'How's your ass?" I mocked. "But she was cute! Maybe I have a chance with her or something y'know?!" He yelled back at me. "Oh....I-I'm sorry I didn't know I-" I tried to finish but Mitch cut me off. "Yeah clearly." He said rolling his eyes and walking back into The Emporium.

I ran away over by a tree out of the light. I wanted to cry so badly but I don't know why. I have never felt this way about Mitch. I've never liked him in a 'more than friends' kind of way. I don't understand any of it. I-

My thoughts were cut off my the sound of cracking branches behind me. I quietly gasped and rubbed my face, trying to dry my tears before whoever was coming up behind me saw I was crying.

"B....?" They asked. That's when I realized who it was. Mitch. I slowly looked at him when he quickly lent down to me, as I was sitting down, noticing I was crying. "B I'm really sorry about earlier I-" "No I'm sorry. She seems really interested in you and you seem to like her. I don't  know why I'm trying to interfere with your relationship stuff." I said, cutting him off.

"Blake?" He asked. "Yea...?" "Why? Why did you get so upset?" He continued.

I wanted to tell him so bad. But how could I? What if he didn't like me back and I ruin our friendship and we never see each other again? "I-I- it's because I think I like you Mitch! Like a lot! We've been friends for so long and I think I'm barely realizing. I just didn't wanna tell you because I don't wanna ruin our friendship. I want you to be in my life until the day I die Mitch! I know..it's crazy..it took me seeing some random girl I don't even know, to realized I like you but it's true." I can't believe I just told Mitch how I felt.

Holy shit.

Mitch looked at me for a second and then pulled me into a warm embrace, just like we had done at the baseball fields. He pulled away from me and before I could apologize about what I just said, he kissed me.

My bestfriend, Mitch Kramer, kissed me.

And I kissed him back. "I like you too Blake. Like a lot. I have since the day we met. I would get so scared when people at school would go around saying I liked you." He told me, chuckling. I laughed with him before we got up and went back to the front of the Emporium.

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