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I woke up in a moving car still having my weapon with me. He looked back which I still acted on.

my mouth felt numb, nose was bleeding, eyes tired, sweaty.

When we got there I couldn't just hurt him yet. I need to see if there's anything to have these kids escape.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started opening the place.

Which I saw some sort of rooms that have dark thick doors. Cells?

I couldn't see if anyone was in them but I still managed to notice locks and a phone when he threw me in a room

'If they had a phone why couldn't they just call 911?' i thought

but once he stopped I pretended to be out.

He threw me on the rock hard floor which my head landed on the dirty mattress that had dirt and blood stains. Gross.
I didn't know what do to. My plan was to distract him from getting anyone else, and when he comes near me, hurt him and search his body for keys and save Robin, Bruce, Vance, Paper Boy, Griffin.

When I realized he wasn't there anymore he must know when the kids wake up, just like me when we can tell when people will wake up during faints, or knockouts.

I quickly got up and tried to pick the lock, which was a fail
But I still looked all over the room for anything, combination code, holes, everything something to help me out of here.

I yelled for Robin, then Bruce, and Vance. No one answered.

He must have separate cells right?

I was startled by my thoughts by a phone ring that filled the whole bottom basement.

I picked it up, no clue knowing who it was.

"Hello?.." I said



"Ariana." Said Robin.

"Oh my God. Robin me and Finn and Gwen are here to save you and the others just wait okay?!"

"I don't know Ariana. We haven't been good."

"Please don't say that Robin. I have a plan I got kidnapped for you and everything."

He sighed in the phone leaving my ear drums kinda weak

"What?." I ask

"I'm not gonna make it, Ariana. I made him mad enough."

Flustered by the sentence i was still scared for the realization

"Yes. Yes, you will." I said in deny

"I don't know." He mumbled

We started talking about how when we leave I'll go see titanic playing in the new drive in movie and Friday the 13th.

But in my soul. Deep down. I knew he was right, and he did too. We're not going to make it.

"I'll even pay for the drinks Robin."

"Please.." I mumbled

"Please, stay with me Robin."

"I always will. I would never leave you. I wanna stay with you."

I started tearing up at the words.

Will we make it.

"I'm on the other lines. This reached its time."

"I love you Robin. Were gonna get out of here.." i said in a harsh mad tone

He stayed silent

"Bye Ariana. Please be safe"

The call ended

I slid down on the wall.

He didn't even bother to say it back when we are at the risk of dying.

I don't know anymore.

Finney's POV

I saw Ariana get grabbed. I saw her eyes slowly get tired as I started sweating and worrying more and more at the second I stared at them.

I look at Gwen and she's taking photos also truamatized.

When he drove off with Ariana in the back of his car, the inly questions that ran through my head were chaotic.

' will she make it? '

Gwen's POV

When I saw the Van immediately got pushed to more fear

My closest friend is risking her life for me, my brother, and the missing children.

She's an angel. I'm glad I have her in my life.

Who knew math problems would save my life with Ariana.

I'm glad I got to look at her everyday.
I'm glad she saved me from my father.
I'm glad we talked more and more each day from math issues to expressing how much love I have for her as my best friend.

I know she will make it.

A heart like hers deserves to come out of hell, with angels beside her.

My Best Friend.


She said that. She literally said she loves me.

Me. Robin Arellano. She's loves Robin Arellano?!

Something took over me.

I was nervous.

I was nervous that she didn't mean and that she won't make it.

I couldn't get the gut to say it back because I didn't want it to be the last time I heard those words.

I love you too Ariana. I always will. i dont want it to be the last time we are together

Ariana POV

I sat down on the dirty mattress. Waiting. Thinking about my friends and Robin.

"Hello seems you awoke"
The man with the mask said.

I stayed silent

"I uh. Brought you some eggs and sprite."

He threw me gross looking eggs and a un-trustworthy sprite.

He left and I didn't eat at all.

I wanted to leave.

I wanted to see my friends.

I wanted to go home.

Fear. (Robin Arellano)Where stories live. Discover now