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Ariana POV.

When me and Finney and Gwen were walking to school I noticed Robin wasn't there. I thought he was sick or in trouble for being outside but I wasnt sure. When I looked back at Finney he was shocked.

"What is it Finn?." I asked.
He stood there processing what I said and pulled the paper off the board and showed me.

That was when I saw Robins face, name, height, size, everything on a missing kid poster.

I started to cry.

I wanted to get out this school to find him.

When I filed that report last night they thought it was some joke and told me to go home.

I couldn't handle it, I grabbed the paper out of finns hand and left the school doors right as the first period bell rang and Finn followed me.

"Ariana where are you going?! Dad's gonna kill us and Robin will be found." He said

I yelled and ran off farther away.

Finney was still chasing me, but I just ran faster than ever to the stop sign where I met the grabber.

"Ariana why are we here, let's look like at the fields or shops" He said quite loudly.

"Finn.. I met the grabber, here. Right here."
I replied
He looked at me confused too why I never told him but I just didn't have the guts.

"I snuck out last night. Or ran away and whatever but I met Robin okay I met him and he had to go back inside because his uncle woke up. Did you have any sort of hangout plan or whatever that made him leave or go out the house?" I asked

He stood there thinking, till he looked at me.

" We were gonna watch a movie and study so. He said he will get snacks and be here at 5."

I sighed.

"He must've got grabbed at the shops if he was getting snacks, let's go" I said.

When we went at the scene I saw groceries that the cops haven't picked up from the ditch.

"He needed help with his groceries." Finn said getting the case.

"Robin must have ignored him and the creep got angry or Robin  wanted to help." I said back

I want to help these kids. I want all these kids to go home, safe and happy. But looks like we have to risk something I never thought I would risk

"We need to get abducted" I say out of the blue

"Ariana, your going insane, NO. We're finding them and saving them. We're not putting ourselves in danger over friends." He yelled

"Finn. I know. But think about it. Robin, Vance, Bruce, and the others could all be alive right now. But being tortured"

He sighed in disbelief but eventually gave in.


I started to smile.

"Good. I have a plan."


Once we got to Finn's house we saw Gwen screaming  "my dreams there just dreams" and her father yelling back.

Gwen was getting beat.

"Finn go upstairs." I said quietly

This isn't my family, but their father knows I will beat the shit out of him.

I picked up the big glass wine bottle and got the dad's attention.

"Leave her alone you mother fucker."

He started to come my way, furious. As I hit his head with the bottle.

And just like that, he fainted.

"He won't be up for a while. I know. He's drunk and fainted dead in the head" I said looking at Gwen's poor truamatized teary eyes.

She ran upstairs to Finn.

When I peeped in the room door. She layed on Finn's shoulder breathing heavily.

I never had a sibling. I always wanted one. Yes, they fight and everything but, it's good to know someone is there through everything. Your not alone.

Everytime I would ask for a sibling my mom would say she would never have another kid because she knows how I act and she's scared for the new baby. Like I would ever treat my sibling to do the things I do.

Tears formed my eyes as I realized I am alone.

No siblings, cousins, father, Mother..

Just me.

I'm always the one going up in my room having no one to ask if I was okay or to have someone get yelled at with me. Someone who knows when someone will wake up drunk, or cry with me once we done something bad and regretted.

Something I'll never have. Yes it's tragic like that but being alone and having home issues sucks.

I was always told being the only child was a dream. But if it was a dream.. why is it such a nightmare?.

I'm not spoiled or anything like the people say about only child's.   I'm alone. Crying with anger.

"Ariana." Finn said.

"Hm?" I said getting out of my head. Once I realized he noticed me staring through the door

"Come in."

I sat beside him and Gwen kinda distanced because they are having a sibling moment. Something I'll never have with a family member.

I gazed at them. Their love. And affection. Finn showing Gwen he was gonna be there for her at hers and his darkest times. Gwen showing him she's grateful for him and never wanting to leave his side

I looked back to my hands, thinking.

Finn grabbed my shoulder and let me rest in his head while I didn't notice I was crying silently.

He's my platonic soulmate. And I'll always love him. He's the best human in the world.

My lover in another world.

"That's The Plan." I said

"Jesus Ariana" Gwen scoffed

"Well walking alone is tragic but how do we know he doesn't knock us out and take all our weapons." Finn asked

"I don't think he will. If he did I don't sleep long when fainted I only faint to 1 minute max. Which when I go first in the back I'll hold everything. Finn will hold like a knife or something."

"Great." Finn said

"Let me go" Gwen said.

"No. Your staying we need to get proof of him kidnapping us. Use the new camera my mom got and take pictures in the settings wide." I said giving her my mom's camera I stole.


I had a knife, matches, and a plan.

I was walking when I seen the same van coming my way.

I stopped at a mysterious ditch and saw Gwen and Finn behind a bush taking photos.

"Hello again angel." The man in white or silver tinted face paint said

"Stay away from me."

"You never helped me out last time. Don't you know... manners?" He said with a grin

"Your hurt them. The kids.. didn't you." I said boldy waiting for a response from him

"Well.. let's go see them shall we?"

He said as he grabbed me. He covered my mouth and grabbed my waist to throw me in the back.

I said something under my breath before fainting from his grasp.

"I'm coming to help them"

Fear. (Robin Arellano)Where stories live. Discover now