i can dream about you if i can't hold you tonight

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it was 11:21am and reid got amber to go back to sleep, he was struggling to stay wake still so tired from not getting much sleep, he promised to stay awake so he would know if anyone tried to get in, he still doesn't know if what he heard before was even real, he puts his head back on the back of the sofa and sighs then rubs his eyes, as he is looking at the sealing trying his best to stay awake, he hears something coming from ambers room, it sounded like whimpering, so reid run to her bedroom and quietly opened the door, and he was right amber was in a ball crying in her sleep, reid didn't know what to do, does he go in to her room and wake her up, does he call her name?, the last thing he wants to do is scare her more, she is clearly having a nightmare, if he wakes her up he might give her a heart attack, but if he doesn't she will continue to have the nightmare.

"come on reid you are smart, you are a man of science you can come up with something, you can't just walk in there, she already feels like someone is in her room, come on reid" he sighed.

really all he wants to do is rush in and save her, take her away from the monsters in her dream, scoop her up in his arms, and take the pain away, all of the pain josh caused her, he wants to show her she can be loved, that not all man are like josh, they don't all hurt women, they can love, they can be gentle, they can kiss the pain away, they should kiss the pain away never cause pain.

so many things are running through his head, then he comes up with something, he lightly knocked on the door, and said her name, then knocked a bit harder and said her name a bit louder till she woke up with a gasp.

her head shot up and she looked around the room.

"it's ok amber it's spencer, clam down, you were having a nightmare, you are ok, it wasn't real" he told her trying to calm her down.

she started crying the cry turned in to a sob, till reid entered the room and talked softly to her.

she reached for him crying and hands shaking her whole-body trembling, she looked up at him her eyes filled with tears and tears running down her face, her beautiful face, looking much like maeve the first time he saw her, flash backs took him over, and he rushed toured amber,

"it's ok i have you, it's ok i'm here, please don't cry, i'm here it's ok" he wrapped her in the blanket that she threw off in the panic she felt when reid woke her up.

she sits in her bed sobbing as reid held her, sitting on the side on the bed became a little painful for him he was twisted so he could hug amber, she noticed this and asked.

"would you like to lay down? i don't mind, this must be uncomfortable sitting on the side of the bed like that" she sniffled.

 "what?" he asked not really sure he heard her right.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to upset you,i just thought you would be uncomfortable, i didn't mean anything, i'm sorry" she cried harder.

"amber...you didn't upset me, i wanted to make sure i heard you right, yes please may i lay down?" he asked softly.

"yes please, i know you are tired, if you sleep here then i will be safe"

"ok, i will stay, but i will try to stay awake that way if you have another nightmare i can wake you up" he said as he lied down next to her, she was under the covers and he was on top of them.

 "thank you spencer" she said the crying now just that a cry, no more sobbing.

as they lay in bed, amber falls asleep, reid looks at her, her eyes are still puffy from crying, but she is still pretty to him, he closes his eyes and hopes not to dream about her, that would be worse that dreaming in his mom's room.

he falls asleep after 10 minuets he is awoken by his phone ringing in the next room, he sighs and gently gets off of the bed.

he walks to the living room and gets his phone from his bag.

"hello?" he answers sleepily.

"hey 182, i need you to resend the story amber wrote, my crummy computer lost half of it during a up-date" garcia told him with a sigh and an eye roll that reid couldn't see.

 "um...ok, i have to pull it up on the laptop, where did you leave off?" he asked powering up the laptop.

"i only have one name, so right as she was naming the scumbag, punk people that know what he was doing!!," "gasp" i just scared myself" 

reid chuckles.

"ok i just have to get it and i will send it to you"

spencer pulls up the story and starts reading it to find the part he needs to send, as he is reading, he sees something is wrong.

"wait this isn't the same story"

"did she erase it?!!" garcia asks.

"i don't know, let me call you back" 

"ah ok" garcia says not knowing what is happening.

"reid, is everything ok?" she asks.

"yes i'm...i'm gonna call you back, good bye garcia"

"ok good bye" she hangs up the phone "what is going on?" she asks spinning her purple fuzzy pen and leaning back in her sit.

reid picks up the laptop and starts reading the story.

"he is the sexiest man i had ever seen i know he would never think of me the way i thinks of him, he is so smart, so kind and he has a voice that melts me like ice cream on a hot summer day, i have never felt safe before but with him i do, i can't stop thinking about him, he has gone to help his mom, another wonderful thing about him, he cares so much about her, i know he will not think of me, but all i can do is think of him, i don't know what is happening to me, man scare me, but he doesn't and he loves to read he is so good at it, and his name matches reid, it's getting so bad that i am dreaming of him, and all of the things i wish we could do, sex has never been good for me, but i know he would make it magical, i can't even sleep tonight because he is away, so i am writing this, i know he will never see it and he will never know how i feel, so i will keep this secret"

"she dreams of me? oh my god, she dreams of me" he puts the laptop down and sighs rubbing his face.

"i have to find josh, i have to find the story"

 he looks for another file and it's the story he was looking for, he copy's it and sends it to garcia.

"ok garcia i sent it"

"ok, are you ok reid?" she asks.

"yeah...oh yeah I'm just tired, i'm going to get some sleep" he tells her.

"ok, well sweet dreams, and don't you worry your pretty brain i will read this story and find the people in it, just let them try to hide from me, PG out"

reid hangs up the phone and puts it on the coffee table.

he put the laptop on the table and walks back to the bedroom, amber is still sleeping, he wonders is she is dreaming of him, he needs to find josh, but he is afraid of what he will do when he sees him, he did hurt those men in prison, sure it was because he had to but still, he wants to hurt josh, he wants him to burn for what he has done, and that worries reid, he doesn't what to go back to prison but he wants josh to, he walks back to the bed and looks at amber, she is sleeping so soundly.

he wants to get back in bed with her, but he knows it's the worst thing he could do right now, he knows she wants him just as badly as he wants her, so he looks around the room, thinking about just sleeping on the floor, he remembers seeing a pink chair in the bedroom he gets the chair carrying it over to the bed, he sit's in the very soft chair, and sighs and looks at amber.

"i wonder if you are dreaming of me" he whispers.

reid is asleep a few minutes later.

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