Pretty Boy ( Little Space )

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Top: Kim Taehyung
Bottom: Jeon Jeonguk

." Tae, get up sweety you are already late " Mrs Kim yelled calmly but she didn't know what hustle her son was making in his room. 

In Room
" Shit shit shit " A teenage boy whispered and hurriedly wore his pants " Who told you to see porn and make yourself exhausted and then woke up late you shitty head Taehyung," he said to himself and took his bag, wallet and keys and went downstairs.

He ran toward the door but Mrs Kim stopped him for breakfast, he denied it and drove toward his school.

Kim Taehyung, son of Kim Duan. A rich and handsome brat. A free bird with no worries about the world.  He is enjoying his life fully. No business to care for, no one to scold him for low grades, no one to forbid him from drinking.
He is everything you can describe as a bad boy but He is a Virgin. He protects himself from his true love. Which is nowhere to be found in this life.

He combs his hair at a red light, he starts the engine by seeing the green light but he applied a sudden brake on seeing a boy sitting on a road in front of his car.
" Fuck " he cursed by messaging his head which bumped on sudden impact. He was furious now. First, he was late and second he was late for the nth time.

He slammed the door of the car shut and walked toward the boy with red eyes.

" ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND YOU FUCKING SHIT " Taehyung yelled at the top of his lungs "IF YOU WANT TO DIE THEN GO AND DIE INFRONT OF OTHER CARS " Taehyung screamed at the poor boy who was still hiding in his face between his knees.

"  STAND UP AND MOVE FROM HERE, I AM ALREADY LATE " Taehyung was furious. He began to walk toward the boy to jolt him up but before that, the boy stood up and showed his face to Taehyung. 

Taehyung swore his heart missed a beat on seeing the beauty in front of him. The boy was looking at him with teary eyes, his lips were wobbling and the tears were in the corner threatening to fall off at any time. He was hiding the kitten in his jacket.

"Gugu doesn't want to die.  Gugu w-was just helping a k-kitty " Taehyung cooed at the boy who was wiping his tears with his sweater paws.
He was so lost in the beauty of the boy, he didn't notice the boy was now sniffling and sobbing in a low voice.
He came into the world when a car horn reached his ear.
He saw a man who was pressing the horn with a pissed-off face, as Taehyung was blocking him. He signalled for a minute and turned toward the boy.

But the boy was nowhere to be seen. He disappears. Taehyung sighed and took his car and went to college.


It's been a week since he saw the pretty boy. But his face never faded away from Taehyung's memory. He was restless. He just wanted to meet the boy and said he was sorry because he felt guilty for yelling at an innocent person. The face of the younger with tears in his eyes was still fresh in his mind. He just wants to say sorry, nothing else, not like it is love or attraction. No no. Taehyung can't like him or does he?

" Come on you lover boy, let's go somewhere" Jimin dragged him.
" Chim, I am not in a mood, let's go another time, " Taehyung said boringly.

Jimin huffed " Don't you want to search for your pretty boy ?" He questioned.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.
" I mean what if we go somewhere and see him. I know it seems impossible but he can be your fated lover " Taehyung rolled his eyes at that Logic.
" Just come Tae, let's explore the city once more. And maybe we can find the boy too. It's a win-win situation. Please come, " Jimin pleaded to his only best friend.

Taehyung thought for a minute and he consider the possibility of finding the boy, which was none but his heart was telling him to go. So he agreed.

They first went to a tattoo shop, which was Jimin's idea. Taehyung waited for Jimin who was getting tattooed on his " not to be seen place ".

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