Christmas Love (M)

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Listen his heavenly voice ..❤️

The room was silent. The curtains were covering the big windows of the luxurious bedroom giving it a night vibe. In the middle of the room, on a round bed two men were cuddling each other. The one with a broader chest was spooning the other boy. They were enjoying each other's warmth on the cold morning of Christmas day.

The serenity was not for a long time when a small boy creaked open the door. He came in and put a hand on his chubby mouth to suppress his giggles. He left the door open for his younger sister who crawled in. The five-year-old was dressed in red and white clothes, he made his baby sister wear red cap mufflers and socks.
They both walked and crawled to the bed. The boy lifted her sister and made him sit on the bed before playing a Christmas song on his dad's phone at full volume.

Taehyung squirmed in his sleep, he whined and snuggled more into Jungkook's chest, disturbed by the sound. Jungkook rubbed his eyes and opened them slowly to see his princess already staring at him with wide Bambi eyes. Jungkook smiled and kissed his forehead before hugging her close to his chest. Nora giggled and licked Jungkook's shirt as she attempted to kiss. Jungkook laughed.

Haru pouted. His father didn't acknowledge his presence. He stopped his music, pushing Jungkook to glance at him.
"Dada meanie... don't wish haru Christmas." Jungkook cooed. Nora crawled to Taehyung and patted his cheeks to wake him up. Jungkook took Haru in his arms and kissed his whole face, making him laugh.

Taehyung woke up hearing laughing and giggling. He smiled and ruffled Nora's long hair. Then he stares at his favorite men, laughing and kissing each other.

" Merry Christmas, mama," Haru shouted.
" Merry Christmas my babies." Taehyung kissed both babies' cheeks.
" Mama, let's bake cookies."
" Maa, nom nom." Taehyung chuckled when both of his babies spoke at the same time.

" Baby, let me feed your baby sister. Why don't you go and see if Santa leaves you a gift or not?" Haru ran excitedly, leaving his mother, father, and sister.

"Merry Christmas, love." Jungkook pecks his lips. Taehyung quickly pushed him away. Nora chortle.
" Dawda Kissie maa." She clapped his hand making her parents giggle.
Taehyung opened his shirt button to feed his one-year-old baby girl while Jungkook left to freshen up not before pecking their foreheads.

Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Taehyung- the power couple of South Korea. They both are the best artists in their country with strong family backgrounds. They fall in love with each other during their constant meetings because of the same company.
They married seven years ago at the age of 22. They face a lot of trolling and hate from people but later all hate and hurt words turned into love. Their family remains at their side supporting them through thick and thin.
Life was always kind to them. They never face any marriage problems. They are the only married couple which is unknown to the phrase " Trouble in paradise."
With every rising day, their love began to grow more and more until the symbol of their love
Jeon Haru came into their life.
That period was very tricky for both of them as they were unaware of parental duties. Slowly and steadily they began to learn and everything came on track.
After Four years of Jeon Haru's birth, Jeon Nora came into their life and that moment is still fresh in their minds. One year has gone but still Jungkook can feel the happiness he felt when he heard the first cry of his beloved daughter.


"Dad is coming to pick up the kids." Jungkook slapped Taehyung's ass, entering the kitchen.
" Why?"
" I told them I need some time with my husband for Christmas." Jungkook took a glass of water to drink.
Taehyung turned around, hands on his hip.
" What about the kids? They never spent a full day of Christmas with us."
" Let mom, dad spend some hours with them. We'll pick them in the evening and then we'll celebrate."
Taehyung sighed and nodded. Jungkook set the table and helped Taehyung to make shakes.

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