Set one year after dominion, Biosyn has recovered from their failed attempt at running the world. But this time the world is already being run by Dinosaurs. Humans and species alike hid from these Jura...
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𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 kids ran through the woods. They saw no dinosaurs yet, which was a good thing. It was still dark out so they could barely see. It was not only the dark that was blinding the kids but also the pure rush of adrenaline.
Branch after branch the woods grew free of the dreadful noises from the outpost.
"Okay, we're far enough." Henry stopped trotting forward and saw everyone stop too.
Kayla grabbed her knees panting, "that was the fastest I've ever ran."
"Maybe because the whole outpost was invaded by flesh-eating monsters." Maya published sarcastically. she was panting too but kept her hand locked into Maisie's.
"We need to set up camp. I'll get wood and you all find some food." Henry recommended and went to get someone wood. He was scared but didn't show it. It was a leader in -type decision to choose because fear leads to panic and panic will probably get them killed.
Maisie and Kayla started to look at the bushes for berries or any type of edibles like Henry told them to.
Maya paced around in a circle "How can you guys just pretend nothing happened?" She broke the silence, standing there watching them.
Kayla ignored the question and so did Maisie. Maya always was clueless in these situations because she didn't really care for her parents, after all, they didn't give a damn about her.
"Earth to losers?" She kept pushing on the open mental wound that was created by the dinosaurs ruining their life for a second time.
Kayla stopped her actions and gave Maya a death stare. "Can you just shut up?"
"Guys I swear I will go British nanny mode on you both if you start problems. We need to find food, not think of reasons to hate each other." Maisie whispered harshly, "we also don't know what's in these woods other than Carnivores, and oh wait, more carnivores. So, unless you want to get eaten keep talking." She continued smiling (though it was a frustrated one) and continued picking some berries off a bush branch.
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