Set one year after dominion, Biosyn has recovered from their failed attempt at running the world. But this time the world is already being run by Dinosaurs. Humans and species alike hid from these Jura...
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"So let me get this straight, Maisie was going to run off because she wanted to find her parents and instead of you waking me up you decided 'Hey I'm going to run with her and probably get killed?" Henry gave Maya a death stare. He was seriously mad, like mad mad. She had never seen him like this, well, only when Maisie told him about Kayla and this kid named Jacob a couple months ago. Thankfully it was just a rumor.
"Well don't put it that way—but yes." She answered, watching Kayla attend to Maisie's bruises. She flinched now and then from the pain which made Maya feel terrible.
Henry laughed, "thats so rich." He pointed to Maisie. "Look at her Maya! This is a result of you both being total stupid mindless punks."
God will he just shut the fuck up? "Henry how about you shut your fucking mouth?" Maisie interrupted Henry.
Kayla put her shirt down, "no talking. Rib cages surround the lungs, so, it will worsen the pain." She got up.
"Maisie, I swear to god, what were you thinking?" He ranted again, at this pace he was going to murder them by making their eardrums explode.
"What was i thinking?" She stood up and pushed Henry's shoulders "maybe that I wanted to go and see my parents. Or maybe that they could help us unlike you, whose only job is making Kayla blush twenty four seven."
"Oh yeah?" Henry smiled sarcastically, "well I guess your only jobs are to 1. Complain about leadership when you clearly can't make any choices on your own without your parents 2. To act like you don't notice that you're all sucky sucky to Maya becau-"
"GUYS! GOD, WILL YOU ALL BE QUIET?" Kayla yelled over all of them, putting her hands on her head. She was fed up with the yelling. Yelling was going to get them nowhere anyways.
She crossed her arms together. "If we yell at each other, we are going to attract a predator. So all those insults your throw at each other will mean nothing."
"I'm hungry and I'm so fucking tired—god I wish dinosaurs could've stayed fossilized. "
All four looked away from each other in silence.
Maya spoke, "we should just go to sleep."
The group nodded, separating into their usual duos. It was nicer to have a roof over their heads. It made them feel reassured that nothing was going to rain down on them or some dinosaur was going to snatch them up by swooping down from the sky.
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Owen traced his Hand Over the paper, "She cant be too far from here," he placed his finger on a point on the map.
"Okay, we should start to look for her now. Biosyn is back and we know that whoever is leading it is controlling the dinosaurs, we find her, and end biosyn for good." Claire got off the bed, walking over to Owen.
"Seems simple." He smiled.
She took the paper map away, "Not really. We have no idea where biosyn is right now."
"True but... Hear me out—we can use Maisie as bait?"
Claire slapped his face, "what!"
"Ouch?" Owen grabbed his jaw "we need to find biosyn."
"We can do that a different way..."
"What other way?" He rested his hands on the table.
Claire paused, "Fine. But we need Maisie to agree to do it."
"Of course, I'm not pushing anything on her." Owen reassured her, heading to the ladder with Claire following close behind.
"Let's get our girl." He murmured as they climbed the ladder.
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