-Chapter Ten-

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Silas's POV

This girl was driving me insane with all the questions she had been asking.

Of course, I couldn't tell her what was going on. She knew nothing about the underworld, which I had to tell her about sooner or later. Just not now.

I suppose she knew nothing about the arrangement, her father was very clear about the fact that he was the one to tell her. I did my research on him. Something about him doesn't quite feel right. In the file was all of his information, yet something grabbed my attention. He had gone to jail for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, which was one of the reasons.  My father came clear to me after we had the meeting. His only worry was his daughter.

Why? I wanted to know that too.



"Silas please," she begged

That's it. 

"For the love of god do you ever shut the fuck up!" I yelled causing her to push back to her seat wide-eyed. I sighed.

"Look Valeria, I'll explain everything when we get to the mansion. I'm a-" I went to say something else but I saw her turn to me with a face that said "Oh you finna get yo ass whooped" and I'll tell ya'll that she lowkey scares me. Don't say anything. Not a word.

"Number one it's fucking Valencia, get it straight into that fucking thick skull of yours."

"Same shit" I rolled my eyes and I heard her gasp.

"You don't get to fucking interrupt me, number two I told you to tone it down when you are talking to me," She said pointing her small chubby finger in my face. Cute.

 I looked at her in amusement, then turned to look back at the road. She was the only woman who ever got me to shut my mouth up. No man or woman would dare, I wouldn't have let it slide. But for some reason, I just stayed quiet.

My father urged that I take care of Valencia because she required protection, but from whom? I was already anxious to know since Alex had to handle something important that I was supposed to help him with. I'm not sure. I hate the feeling of not knowing everything.

What did she need protection from?

Why am I being married to her? I mean I accepted, maybe because I felt bad.

Everything was a damn mystery. A mystery I am going to find out.

From the moment I met her until now, I've been convinced that she is the most annoying thing I have ever met. I had to admit she was gorgeous but that smart mouth of hers made me think twice about marrying her. Alex had already talked to me about how he felt toward her, I was not surprised. He was the gentleman every girl wished for, very respectful. But like any other fuckboy he loved to have a fair share with women. But something was different about Valeria, I mean Valencia, that attracted him. All he would talk about was her.

Funny, I'm her soon-to-be husband.

Pulling up at my driveway, I turn off the car and make my way inside, leaving her behind. Walking into the kitchen I pull out my phone and dial Alex's number.

"Did you take care of them?" I spoke 

"I couldn't get him in time but I did send two of his bitch down to the warehouse" he sighs "How's Val?"

"A pain in the ass, you should come and| get her" I open the doors to the refrigerator, taking out, the OG drinking from the bottle.

 "I would if I could but you know how these things are."

"I sure do" I sigh "Did you take care of the shipment that came in yesterday?"

"Actually, I sent Marco to do it. There was something I had to take care of first" I hummed.

Marco was one of our most trusted men. Fathers right hand, but as soon as my father handed me the Mafia, he decided he wanted to continue working for us. So I let him.

"Oh yeah, Like what?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I've been looking through Valencia's files and her mom's. Something doesn't add up" 

"What do you mean?" I say looking around to make sure no one was around. More like if Valencia was around. "It says her parents have been divorced for an of couple years now, her mother filed a restraining order against him. It also says that when Valencia was 6 she was immediately brought to a hospital here in Italy for an unknown reason." Taking in the information that I just learned I tried to piece everything together. Her father was no longer in their lives, yet he signed a contract saying otherwise?

"Keep looking into it, I have to go"

"Alright, I'll let you know if I find something" I hang up the phone walking into the living room just to find Valencia looking at the massive portrait of my family that was placed above the fireplace. 

I cleared my throat gaining her attention. She quickly turned around meeting my eyes. Those eyes, they had the power to bring any man or woman to their knees. Now I understand what Alex was talking about.

"If you take a picture it'll last longer," she says rolling her eyes, taking a seat on the couch.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about" I coughed trying to dismiss the embarrassment I was feeling of being caught staring.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" 

I watch her as she takes a seat on the couch crossing her legs over one another. I just stare at her, I need to know everything, I know its wrong at the moment but I cant help but ask.

"What was your relationship like with your father?" 

She turns to me and looks at me as if I had just killed her mother right in front of her and in that moment was that I realized nothing was how her father had described their relationship to be.

"I- I, don't ever ask me about that son of a bitch" she yells, her eyes getting watery "you don't get to ask me that not now not ever, because he is dead to me!" she stands up and runs up to her room. I sigh.

I fucked up, I got so curious and I wanted to know what was going on. But at least I now know that her father is not who he says to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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