G(j)enie part 1 || LMH + HJS

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It was around 4 in the afternoon when Minho got off on his stop after a long day of work. It was usual routine for the brunette as he inserts his token in the machine and moves to get out of there.

Walking around the familiar streets of his neighborhood, he can't help but sigh as he remembers the words of his co-worker from before.

"He's handsome and polite but I don't know why nobody likes him." Minho's co-worker tells the new girl who was trying to start a conversation with him before he interrupted them both. "I guess now I know why he never had a luck with a girl. Poor guy." He says with fake sympathy acting all cute and caring Infront of other when in reality Minho knew how much of an asshole he is.

In all honesty, Minho weren't even interested in the new girl. She just happens to walk by him during break and decided to lessen his loneliness with some words. Minho was sure she wanted to do that out of pity.

He was a mess.

It didn't even hurt him when she shook her head and left with his co-worker to share her lunch time.

He was just tired.

Tired of Mike's , his co-worker, back-handed compliments. Tired of being a personification of lonely in their eyes. He really wasn't lonely. Okay sometimes he was but it never bothered him until everyone around him started pointed it out.

So what If he were 24 and never been touched by a woman before? It was his business but everyone was offended like he had something bad to them by being a virgin.


Deep down, like the deepest corner of his heart or maybe mind too- he did wish there was someone waiting for him back at home. Maybe living in a big complex apartment wasn't good for his single soul.

Minho brings his hands upto his face scratching his nose as he mutters. "Only if my talking skills weren't as bad and I could score myself a date without boring them away."

He always thought dating wasn't the thing for him. Heck he knew it. His past failed adventures were proof of it.

He slows down on his track as his gaze fall on a single dandelion standing proudly on the side pavement.

"Lonely," He walks up to it and squats down on the concrete pushing his hand forward to touch its small pathetic stem. "Are you lonely too?"

A small smile form on Minho's face as he traces the green stick before he abruptly pulls on it, ripping it out of the ground. "Dont worry I'll give you compa-"

Before he even had the chance to complete his sentence a sudden wind blows in his direction stealing his new companion away from him.

Minho just watches as the dandelion withers away while his smile falls down with it too.

"Wrong." A raspy voice speak from the side and he jumps up to his feet. "Your intention might be good my dear but your way wasn't."

Minho turns around to see an old woman standing on his right and watching him with soft eyes. Her body clad in a navy blue coat, face covered by wrinkles which enhances further when she smiles up at him.

A blush come upon his cheeks in embarrassment as he fists the left stem of dandelion hiding it by his side.


She chuckles at the younger's reply coming to stand close to him. "The ground on which it grows- is like a home for it. Taking it away from its home with a promise to give it comfort, even though when you know theres a big void in that promise itself, isn't the best way to provide someone company, my dear."
Though her words were harsh, but the tone and the look in her eyes were telling him otherwise. She held the outmost stars in her orbs as she stares up at Minho as if he weren't some random stranger she just caught assaulting a poor dandelion- but her very own bundle of mischief who she's very lovingly scolding.

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