»»----- Chapter Twenty-One -----««

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Author's POV

"Hello?" V said as the person he called picked up.

"What is it?" he asked from the other side.

"She knows more than we ever expected and it was all because of that over smart Araminta. She better know her place because if I teach her, then things will start to get real ugly" V said as he grinded his teeth together

"Then maybe it's time to finish Araminta off. If she's not there to tell Y/N about anything, we all will be safe."

"I have a better idea..." he said with a sly grin

~ The next morning ~

Y/N and V both woke up and got ready for the start of university. They both went down the elevator and walked into the campus hand in hand. Y/N never felt this good in 2 years. She felt as if she has a new meaning to life and she has someone to live for.

At the university, there was an all student assembly in the campus courtyard where the principal is standing with a shaman.

"Today, we are going to be having a little security ritual done on this campus to protect our school from all the negative energy and thoughts that are being passed around in this school. I have been hearing many of you students talking about having similar dreams to each other about some scary creature standing in front of you. To be honest, I have been having some of those dreams too, and so for the mental health of all of us, I have called this shaman to protect us and lift off that negative energy."

Y/N found it strange because if everybody in the campus were having those dreams, then why wasn't she having them? Maybe because that could have been risky for them? Who knows...

Y/N realised that the man in suit that Araminta was talking about was actually the principal. She realised that this is the time when the mysterious supernatural's identity will be revealed. The shaman started to ring the bells in his hand and at a distance, RM, J-Hope, SUGA, Jin, Jimin and Jungkook were starting to look uneasy, forcefully try to keep calm and in place, trying not to erupt out in screams, she knew that the bells are affecting them and they are trying to conceal their real identities but it seems difficult to them. She then recalled Araminta's words where she said that the guy was standing not too far from her which meant that he was also somewhere around her and she would be able to see any suspicious behaviour. The shaman then took out the dried rose petals from his pocket just like Araminta had seen in the vision and threw it out to the crowd.

As the petals floated in the air, to her side, she noticed that something was happening to V. She put her hand on his shoulder gently and asked him,

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Y- yeah. I'm fine, I'm just sensitive when it comes to all this so I don't feel good about it happening. It makes me feel sick. I think I'll just go home for now."

She nodded her head and told him to take care as she fixed her eyes back into the crowd looking for anyone's back that had black marks seeping through their clothes. Soon the ritual was over and the BTS members were the first to leave and this left Y/N disappointed that she missed her very obvious chance of catching the guy. She found nobody that looked suspicious.

'Maybe the vision was just some kind of way for them to steer me away from looking for that guy. Maybe this was just a distraction'

That day, all the students were advised to go home early because of certain reasons and so Y/N decided to go back to the apartment and check up on V and see how he's doing.

Walking out of the elevator and towards the apartment, Y/N had an uneasy feeling of what had just happened at the campus. Was it really some kind of distraction that was done to move Y/N's focus? Or was it true that that guy was supposed to be there but he wasn't? Now Y/N was getting more and more desperate about the real truth behind her parents' murder. She felt like she can't bear waiting any longer and that the truth has to be revealed by her and soon.

As Y/N opened the door, she saw that the apartment was totally trashed. The couch and table was tossed, the books were all over the place, his ornaments were all broken and the decorative blankets were also on the floor. Looking at the condition of the apartment, Y/N got scared for V, worried about where he might be. She looked everywhere in the apartment for him and thought that he might have gone outside. Just as she was about to walk towards the door, something caught her eye. She saw that his parents' room that he always kept locked was slightly opened.

She peaked through the door and saw a large corridor. Slowly Y/N walked inside the corridor and that led her to a dark room with only a small gap showing a little flash of light. There she found that someone was sitting shirtless with his back facing against Y/N. His back had two long open scars which went downwards to his shoulder blades. As Y/N stood there completely quiet and still, she saw the scars of that man slowly being surrounded by black and green pixie dust- like glitters and smoke and within seconds, the scar was gone...

Scared of seeing what was going on, Y/N was about to slowly creep away when she bumped into a stand. She flinched as she turned around to check if the man heard it and when he turned around, Y/N's heart raced and then dropped to the bottom of her stomach. He looked at her. 

The man was V...

The man was V

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Not knowing what she was doing and being both scared and confused, Y/N turned around and ran as fast as she could. She didn't know why she was running away as if her legs were doing it themselves.

Y/N felt scared, betrayed, confused and angry all at the same time.

"My first love became my only hate".

She started to run away from him and the door slammed shut all of a sudden and didn't open. She looked back at him as she struggled with the door until V was in front of her in a flash of light. She tried to fight him off but this version of his was unusually stronger compared to his nerdy and sensitive version.

"Who are you?"

was the only thing that came out of her mouth before he knocked her out by putting his hand on her forehead.

Published 12/07/2023

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