»»----- Chapter Nineteen -----««

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As she connected her hands with mine, an orange light flared up around us as unusual gusts of wind blew our hair everywhere. She closed her eyes and tried to see the face of the faceless, the unusually powerful. Her eyebrows screwed together as her eyeballs rolled around inside her closed lids.

"I see something.... But it's not clear." she said lightly, as she moved her closed eyes.

"What do you see?" I asked

"A university tower, it's like a castle, and some old guy in a suit wearing glasses standing with a shaman" something then clicked me.

"University tower? Are you talking about my university? It has a castle-like tower too. Is something going to happen in school again? Is someone going to die?"

"The shaman rings his bell and... and...."

"And what?" I asked as I got more and more curious and impatient.

"I see a guy, but I can't see his face, he seems uneasy at the sound of the bells, maybe he's an evil being"

"Someone in school is an evil being? Is it one of the guys?

"No, they're standing in the far side of the crowd. This is someone else"

"There's more of them? And that too in school?"

The expressions on her face intensify as she further screws her eyebrows and scrunches her eyes. Her hands get warmer and tighter around mine as she starts to chant something.

"He's standing not too far from you."

"Wait, I'm there too?"


"What else do you see?"

"The shaman rings his bell and it starts to get louder and louder as he moves around the crowd. I can see that guy's ears turning blood red and something black can be seen on his back through his clothes. It seems as if he cannot conceal his powers and his true form is coming out."

Author's POV

Y/N goes all silent.

"He's getting very uneasy, his hands are in a fist but yet they are trembling... wait... he opened his fists and I can see black long claws in place of his nails. He slowly closed his fists again and the focus all went onto the shaman. His bell stopped ringing and put his hand inside his pouch and took out dried rose petals" Araminta continued.

"Why rose petals though?" Y/N asked out of curiosity.

"Because creatures so evil and powerful fear things so beautiful in this world"

"And what happened to that guy?"

The gusts of wind around them started to get stronger and stronger.

"He's trying to avoid getting in contact with the rose petals.... He's turning around and-"

Araminta stopped talking as she opened her eyes to see that the orange light around them had turned really purple. This was a sign that her powers have been conflicted and interrupted by an external type of force. Someone knew that they were about to be exposed and so they intercepted her powers so that she cannot see the face of that guy. She knew then and there that Y/N's life was going to be in serious danger.

~ A few moments before ~


I talked to Araminta over the phone and I told her that I found out about something. After talking to her over the phone, I saw V standing in the distance, he walked closer to me and asked,

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