»»----- Chapter Twenty- Two -----««

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Author's POV

"Who are you?",

were the only words that came out of her mouth before he knocked her out by putting his hand on her forehead.

While unconscious, Y/N was sweating and slowly shifting from side to side in the bed. She was having a dream again and judging by her actions, this one was a bad dream too.

She saw a little girl who was happily playing with her parents when a hand holding a knife came closer to them. Everything went fuzzy and then the parents were on the ground covered in blood. The person who had the knife in their hand had stabbed the parents. The little girl was crying and the parents both put their hands on the girl's chest and golden light transferred from their hands into the little girl's chest. Soon, everything went blank white after the parents' hands fell from the little girl's chest and Y/N woke up gasping for air.

She looked around her confused about how she got there when her encounter with V flashed around in her mind. Y/N then remembered that V is also one of them.

'Why is everyone I love so distant from me? Some left me and the others betrayed me. I guess it was all fake love'

She thought to herself as she looked at the closed door. Debating in her mind whether or not V might be outside, she slowly creaked the door open and peaked through the gap looking out into the lounge area. There she saw that V was comfortably seated on the couch looking intensely straight into her eyes, staring into her soul.

 There she saw that V was comfortably seated on the couch looking intensely straight into her eyes, staring into her soul

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She got a little shocked but then opened the door and stepped in the lounge area looking back at him.

She prepared herself for any sudden actions that he may do like he did the last time. He shifted a little in his seat while still piercing his gaze on her. He got up and slowly walked towards her, anger built up inside Y/N as she got a metal decoration piece off the display table next to her and held it in her hand to defend herself.

Then, at the blink of an eye, V was right in front of Y/N who pinned her against the wall while constantly looking into her eyes. His brown eyes turned emerald green and then brown again after a split second.

"Why can't I read your mind like I used to before?" he quietly talked to himself, which was slightly audible to her. Y/N's eyes widened as she heard his words.

 Y/N's eyes widened as she heard his words

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