»»----- Chapter Thirty-Seven -----««

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Author's POV

Unaware of Taehyung's perilous situation, Y/N paced back and forth, the weight of her childhood memories bearing down on her like a relentless storm. The echoes of her parents' murder reverberated through her mind, each step stirring the tempest within her soul. She tried her hardest to recall everything, one by one, in the hope of finding something important.

She remembers hiding in the corner of a palace room. Her and her father were playing hide and seek. It was Y/N's turn to hide and her father's to look for her. When looking for her, her father started talking aggressively to a man who walked into the room.

"I will tell them everything. How could you betray them? They thought of you as their family. How can you betray that love and trust they have in you?"

She couldn't see the face of the man since his back was turned to her; he was dressed in a black hood and didn't say a word. He then lifted a dagger from his side and pierced it through her father's chest. Her father fell limp as his hands fell beside him involuntarily; his feet could be seen losing their power as he came crashing to the ground. Blood soon started to pool around him, and her mother came running into the room when she heard him. Before her mother could use her powers to attack the man, he took the same dagger and attacked her mother in the stomach.

Her mother's eyes fell on Y/N, hiding in the corner, and she slightly shook her head, signalling her to stay put and quiet. Little Y/N had no choice but to sit and watch her parents lose their lives in front of her. Tears slipped from her eyes like a waterfall as loud cries threatened to escape her lips. She saw the man dragging her father by the hand. As he reached her father, she saw that there was a black mark on his wrist.

"That's it!" Y/N spoke as she recalled her painful past. "That mark."

The black mark on the killer's wrist was of a black skull that had black smokey things moving around it on his skin. That mark was what would take Y/N to the killer.

A sudden foul feeling started to loom in the Y/N gut. She'd seen that mark somewhere else, too. Where could she have seen it?

Y/N's eyes widened in realisation. "This cannot be. How? Why would he kill my parents? Why, out of everyone, would he have that mark? Gong Yoo. He has that mark. I saw it myself when we had a dance on the royal ball night. It's got to be him."

She couldn't stop thinking about the reasons why Gong Yoo would kill her parents or why every marked person could be him. It finally clicked with her. The day before her parents were killed, Gong Yoo came to see her father.

It turns out that her father had found out that he was planning something against the King and Queen, and her father said that he would expose his dirty deeds. Y/N started piecing the puzzles together.

"The King and Queen at that time were Taehyung's parents, and the dirty deeds that Appa would have been talking about were probably killing his parents. This means that Gong Yoo was the one to kill Taehyung's parents. It could be true because Appa was a Dark World citizen, so he could go to the King and Queen at anything to expose him, and so to keep his plan going, he killed Appa. He also had to kill Eomma because she saw him."

'I would have been dead too if he saw me...'

All the overthinking of her past life caused tremendous pain in her heart. It hurt her so much that soon she was surrounded by white and black lights around her.

 It hurt her so much that soon she was surrounded by white and black lights around her

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