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the girls had all fallen asleep on the plane, katana was tired from crying, estella had been tired from her own depression, and ellie had been thinking about what she did yesterday and it's been draining her

in a way they all needed this getaway, all of their depression and anxiety had been making them all spiral and they just needed to be around the people who loved and cared about them

the plane landed and the girls woke up, they began letting people off and they were the first ones to get off the plane. they walked off before walking to the escalator and taking it down to the ground level to get to baggage claim

after about 10 minutes the bags started coming out and luckily their bags were some of the first ones, tana texted jah to let him know that they were there and he told her he was on his way

after about 15 more minutes, tana got a text letting her know he was there. she told the two and the group walked outside and saw jah pull up in a black g wagon

he got out and gave stell & ell a hug before hugging tana and kissing her forehead. he helped the girls put their stuff in the car before they all got in

"stell and ell, y'all wanna be dropped off with y'all niggas or y'all wanna just stay at the crib tonight?" he asked and they both said just drop them with their boyfriend's

jah nodded and began driving, he got them all food before dropping the two off. he then began driving to his house

he looked over to see tana scrolling on her phone, she still looked sad and had dry tears on her face. her eyes were all puffy and red from crying

he put one hand on her thigh and she bit her lip, she looked over at him for a second before looking back at her phone

jahseh pulled up in front of his estate and parked in the driveway, tana looked up and her mouth opened in awe

"damn, nice place" she told him and he shrugged with a smile "thanks ma, now come on" he said to her before getting out, she got out too and grabbed her duffle bag and he got her suitcase. he unlocked his front door and the two walked in, "i'll tell you the code to the keypad in the morning" he said to her and she nodded

he closed the door back and relocked it before leading her to his room, he put her suitcase on the side of the bed she would sleeping on and katana put her duffle bag on top of it before taking her shoes off and sitting on his bed

she watched as he took his jacket off before taking off his sweatpants, leaving him in just his calvin klein's. she bit her lip as she looked him up and down before averting her eyes to something else as she took her jacket off 

she opened her duffle bag and grabbed a hair tie. she put her wig a low bun before tying her scarf and putting her pink satin bonnet on

she removed her bra from under her tanktop and put it in her bag as jahseh laid down, "jah you got a charger over here or do i need to pull mine out?" she asked and he pointed to one "yea, it's one right there" he told her and she nodded before plugging her phone in

she laid back on his bed before he wrapped his arm around her "night mama" he said to her

"night jah" she replied, before the two fell asleep but not for long because katana woke up and felt something something hard on her back

at first she thought it was his other arm until she moved and heard a groan come from jahseh. her eyes widened "my bad" she said softly to him as he pulled her closer

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