𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞.

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jah and katana had finally landed in florida, she was officially no longer a dmv girl. as she got off the plane she started feeling more and more mixed emotions, she truly didn't know what to feel right now. her mind was all over the place and was racing a mile a minute

jah grabbed majority of her bags while she carried the lighter ones and mink's carry on while they walked to his car. he started loaded her stuff into trunk of his black g-wagon while she got in on the passenger side. she plugged up her phone so she could charge it before placing mink's carrier on her lap

once jah was done, he closed the trunk and got in on the drivers side. he looked over at katana who looked like she could barely stay awake. "ma you can go to sleep, if it comes down to it i'll just carry you and mink in" he reassured her softly and she nodded before closing her eyes and feeling herself drift off to sleep as jah pulled off and began driving to his estate

once they got there, jah parked in his garage before noticing she was still sleep. he got out and went around to her side before opening her door and carefully taking minks carry on out of her arms and holding it before scooping katana up bridal style and grabbing her phone before closing her door as he carried her and mink into the house

he walked down the hall into his bedroom and placed them both down before going back out and getting the rest of her stuff. this had taken about 15 minutes considering she packed away her entire 19 years of life into 7 bags

once he had finally moved everything into his room, he went back out and shut the trunk before locking the car and walking back into the house. he walked back down the hall and saw kat had just woke up

she sat up and yawned before rubbing her eyes and looking around "damn still the same as from when i left couple weeks ago" she mumbled to herself as she heard mink meow indicating she wanted out of that carrier

kat laughed softly to herself as she unzipped the carrier and mink walked out before stretching. she immediately climbed onto kat's lap before curling into a ball and laying down, making herself comfortable

jah laughed at this which made kat look up at him "hey" she said softly and he smiled at her "how'd you sleep?" he asked and she shrugged "i slept okay" she replied as jah came and sat next to her on his bed

"so it's official, shit we're official. it just feels so overwhelming to me, it's not like i haven't been here before but this time it's not just a trip it's for good and i'm just worried about the future you know?" she explained quietly and jah sighed "mama it's gonna be okay, i got you and i got us. everything's gonna be okay, it's just your nerves getting you worked up. like i told you on the plane i get it's hard to start over somewhere new but you're not doing it alone. you got me, your cat, hell even your best friends and my friends. everything's gonna be fine" he reassured her and she nodded before laying her head back against his headboard

"man i've missed your bed" she sighed out enthusiastically and he chuckled "and i've missed you in it, it's nice knowing imma wake up in the morning with my girl next to me" he stated and she shrugged "who said ion want my own room?" she teased and he rolled his eyes "oh you're definitely getting a room with all this shit you have" he responded and stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed "and you're acting like a 5 year old again, there's the girl i've missed" he pointed out and she laughed

"i mean i'm only 19, i'm technically still a baby cus i have still have teen in my age so i get a pass and i'm adorable so i also get another pass for that" she cheesed and he laughed "whatever you say princess" he replied as mink got up from kat's lap and walked over to jah, rubbing her head against his side indicating she wanted to be rubbed which he obliged as he gently scratched the side of her head

"she is so fake!! she do this shit every time she see you, acting like i ain't raise her as a single parent for the last 10 years of her life!" she said with fake outraged and jah snorted "girl she just ain't seen her father in a minute, you know she love you" jah cooed as kat rolled her eyes playfully and smiled at him

"you wanna go out to dinner later? like with everyone?" he asked her and she shrugged "i'll think about it, ion know if i wanna see those n words just yet" she replied and jah laughed "damn yo ass mean" he pointed out and she nodded happily "and is, being nice gets you nowhere but walked all over. being a bitch makes people respect you because you don't take no shit" she explained and jah shook his head in disagreement with her statement

"nah, i promise i've been the villain before and yea you're respected but it's outta fear. it's better to be respected outta love then fear, because fear just pushes people away but love brings them closer to you. but imma teach you that at some point, just not now. right now you gotta lot to work on on your own so imma let you do your thing but if you ever need me, please come to me. cus i'm not brit, imma break that fucking door down cus i'm not gonna let you try and kill yourself in my fucking house especially when i love you so damn much" he explained and she bit her lip 

"i love you too, now come watch a movie with me and hold me. i'm still tired" she said as she made grabby hands which made him laugh

he scooted up next to her as she laid her head down on top of his chest and mink came and curled up between the two while jah found a movie

he ended up putting on spiderman: far from home and katana smiled "i love this movie mainly cus of zendaya. live, laugh, love zendaya" she squealed and jah laughed

"yea she bad" he stated agreeing with kat and she nodded "oh she 100% is, now shh i'm tryna watch the movie" she joked and they both laughed as it started to play

the two got about an hour and 35 minutes in before kat fell asleep, jah looked down and saw her and mink had both went to sleep. he laughed quietly to himself as he tried to finish the movie

but after about another 20 minutes went by, he ended up falling asleep just like kat and mink and the three would stay sleep for the next couple hours. all cuddled up like a family

(a/n: hey upper east siders, damn it's june 18th marking the 5th year of x's death date

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(a/n: hey upper east siders, damn it's june 18th marking the 5th year of x's death date. it's really been 5 years without our aquarius king 😔. sorry if this chapter seems short, i'm really drowsy for no reason right now but i still wanted to post a chapter because of today's special importance, if only he was here right now he'd still be dropping fire ass music and making us laugh. round these parts, we love this man to the astral plane's and back. sad that after he had finally made peace with everything and everyone was when his life was cut short, but at least we have gekyume who is a small reminder of the person we once had (even though gek would not be here right now if jah was, cus we all know jen was NOT who he wanted as his bm. no shade to her, okay well all shade to her). anyways that's all for now, until next time you know you love me - xoxo, gossip girl 💋)

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